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That night, falling asleep seemed like a very difficult task to Rosie.

Rosie thought that talking about her past would help her forget it, but that wasn't the case. Now that she opened up about herself and spoke about what she went through, she couldn't stop thinking about it. Every time she closed her eyes, she felt like she was reliving every single ounce of pain she went through. She felt violated, and disgusting, which made her immediately strip her clothes and scrub herself clean in the shower.

Derek still hadn't returned from earlier that day, which did little to calm her racing mind. Rosie suddenly wished Derek were home. At least then she'd feel safe being in the loft, instead of being all alone.

Halfway through her shower, Rosie heard the large steel door open, followed by a shout.

"Derek. You here?" She heard a voice say. "Derek?"

Rosie shut off the water and quickly ran from the en-suite shower to get dressed. As she grabbed some clothes to wear she heard a robotic voice that caused a chill to run up her spine.

"Don't worry, Peter." It spoke, "Derek's next."

Her heart thudded in her chest at the words. She hurriedly put on a t-shirt, a pair of panties, pajama bottoms and a pair of socks and rushed towards the railing that overlooked the bottom level of the loft.

The sight she was met with caused her to let out a gasp into the palm of her hand. Peter, Derek's uncle was on his knees with an axe impaled into his chest. A tall man was standing above him, he was ghostly white and bald. When she caught sight of his face, her blood ran cold.

He was mouthless.

The man was about to strike again, but Peter ducked and finally got into fighting mode. She watched as claws grew from his fingertips and hair sprouted along his cheeks along with sharp canine teeth growing from his mouth. He let out a roar and both of the men began fighting. The man swung at Peter with a sharp object and Peter responded by swinging at him with his claws. The fight was short and quick and ended when Peter clawed at his chest. He grabbed one of them man's gloved hands before the man was able to get away. Once he was gone, Peter fell down on the floor to his hand and knees and began to groan out in pain.

"Oh my god." She whispered and scurried down the stairs. "Are you okay?" Rosie shakily asked as she knelt down in front of him. She watched as blood pooled in the center of his chest, where the axe was. The sight made her feel slightly woozy.

Peter, who had shifted back to his normal state, breathed in deeply and exhaled harshly. "There's an axe in my chest." He replied dryly, "What the fuck do you think?"

Rosie shrugged his attitude off, she felt that having an axe in his chest gave him the right to be a bit snappy, and although she didn't trust him, she couldn't just let him bleed out and instead helped Peter stand up and assisted him to the couch, a few minutes later he was asleep. Rosie didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing, so she did the one thing she's been wanting to do all night; she called Derek.

He answered on the third ring. "Hello?" Derek asked.

"It's me." Rosie said. "You need to get here, Peter's hurt, Derek," She urgently stated. She heard his sharp intake of breath through the receiver.

"I'm on my way." He responded and hung up.

By the time Derek got home, the sun had already begun to shine through the loft. He immediately woke his uncle up, and was able to successfully pull the axe out of his chest. Then, he began firing questions which Peter and answered to the best of their ability.

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