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Soon after weeping into Derek's chest, Rosie was swooped away by nurses and doctors wishing to evaluate her. Since he wasn't a family member, Derek was asked to stay in the waiting room, much to his and Rosie's dismay. Tired and unable to put up a fight, Rosie let them do whatever it is they had to do.

It was only until one of the nurses, who happened to be a male, asked to check her lower half for any injuries that Rosie snapped. She became completely hysterical. Every time a nurse tried to come near her she thrashed her limbs wildly and screamed with every fiber in her being.

The staff understood how sensitive and effected by the assault she was. It was common for any patient who experienced something as traumatic as what Rosie went through to react that way. As calmly as they could, they tried to get the hysteric girl into a more serene state.

"Ms. Mitchell, we only want to help. Please let us help." One of the nurses pleaded. She was a tall curly headed lady with a kind face.

If it wasn't for her hysteria, Rosie would have immediately responded to her trustworthy nature. Instead, she responded by shooing her help away. "Please, leave me alone." Rosie cried.

Outside of the room, Derek was erratically pacing back and forth. He could hear her cries along with anyone within twenty feet around. Frustrated and unable to listen to Rosie's heartbreaking weeping any longer, Derek went to look for Melissa. He figured she would be able to do something about the situation.

Less than five minutes later, he was racing down the halls with Scott's mother to get back to Rosie. Derek had explained what had happened once he found Melissa, and with her natural maternal instinct over the girl, she immediately dashed to find her. When they got to the room, Melissa burst through the door with Derek right behind her.

"Hey! What are doing?!" Melissa exclaimed in horror as she witnessed the sight in front of her.

Three male nurses stood over a thrashing and sobbing Rosie, two holding her down by her arms, while the third had her legs trapped between his arms. A female nurse was in the process of injecting a serum through an IV that was attached to the trapped girls arm.

"We're sedating her." The nurse who held Rosie's legs grunted.

Not even a second later, Rosie became limp and her eyes fluttered shut.

As the nurses blew out a sigh of relief, Derek grabbed the closest one to him by the neck and slammed him against the nearest wall.

"Why would you do that?!" Derek shouted at him.

The nurse flinched and sputtered out a reply. "That's-, It's protocol sir. She was hysterical."

"Derek, let him go." Melissa ordered.

He glared at the trembling nurse, before eventually releasing him and rushing to the sedated girl's side while the nurse fell to the floor and the other nurses swept in to help him.

Derek took a seat in the chair next to the bed. He watched as Rosie's chest puffed with every breath she took. Her hair was framed wildly around her face. Dried tears stained her bruised cheeks, his heart ached at the sight of her.

A few minutes later Melissa re-entered the room.

"You can't be throwing people against the wall. I had to convince all those nurses not to call security." She stated as she checked the IV attached to Rosie.

Derek didn't respond, which Melissa expected. After making sure that all her vitals were good, she stood behind the chair he was sat on.

"She's been through a lot." Scott's mom stated as she finally let her guard down. The worry in her eyes and face were evident and she looked Rosie up and down.

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