Episode 25: The Danger of a Rose

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Scene 1

[Catz house, noon] Carter walked out of the kitchen with a list in his hand. Grabbing his keys, he slammed the front door shut. Nellie ran down the stairs.

Nellie: Carter! I wanted to talk to you.

Carter was reading his list as he walked down the street to the nearest grocery store. A girl in a beanie bumped into him. He looked at her weird.

Carrie: My bad.

Carter: No, it was my fault.

He gave her a weird look as she walked away. Looking back down at his list, he continued to the grocery store. Before he reached the sliding doors, he heard a little boy scream. Running back to where he was, he looked around furiously. A little boy was lying on the ground and Carrie was jumping up and down with a gray diamond in her hand. Dropping his list, Carter pointed at her.

Carter: Hold it right there!

Carrie: I won't take orders from you!

At that, Carrie jumped up onto a rooftop of a house and started jumping from one to the next. Carter leapt up and followed her. Carrie looked back out of the corner of her eye.

Carrie: How can he do that? He must not be human.

Carrie snapped her fingers. From the ground between the rooftops a wild rose vine sprang up and pulled down on Carter's leg. He held onto the side of the roof but the vine was persistent. The thorns pierced into his leg. He slowly slid down the side of the house scratching it. When he reached the bottom, the vine loosened from his leg and Carrie had escaped far away.

Scene 2

Defeated, Carter walked back to the little boy and picked him up in his arms and looked down at his innocent face.

Carter: I'm sorry. (Looking up) But why would she take it? It wasn't the right one. So cruel.

Carter brought him back to the catz house. Nellie ran down the stairs.

Nellie: Who's that?

Carter: He was attacked today. Gosh, his parents must be worried about him.

Nellie: You couldn't catch whoever did this to him?

Carter held his head down in shame. Nellie sat down next to him and rubbed his back.

Nellie: Sorry, I shouldn't have said it that way.

Carter: No, you're right. I should be ashamed of myself.

Nellie: Let me help you find her. I was just telling Penny last night that we shouldn't be out fighting individually. There's a reason why there are four of us.

Carter: No. (Standing up) I have to do this myself.

With that, Carter marched out of the house. Outside it was starting to get dark.

Nellie: Stupid male pride!

In the backyard of someone's house, two little boys were playing. A mother's voice beckoned them back inside.

George: We're coming! (To Adam) Let's clean up our toys first.

Adam: Okay.

Carrie peeked at them from above the fence then nodded. With snaps of her fingers, vines covered their mouths and their bodies. Then roses placed themselves over their chests and two gray diamonds popped out. Carrie leapt over and stole the diamonds. The mother, walking out, screamed and fainted on the ground. Carter ran towards the sound and spotted Carrie in front of the fence smiling.

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