Episode 28: Voodoo on You

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Scene 1

[A dark place] Kristen and Cameron were in the storage room where Cameron kept his supply of bandages. Cameron was looking around at his many bandage boxes. Kristen was sitting on top of one of Renee's flowerpot stacks with her legs crossed.

Cameron: Who should I attack next?

Kristen: Well, there is this girl that made fun of me some time ago. Still haven't gotten back at her.

Cameron: There's no time for vendettas.

Kristen: Won't you do it for me?

Kristen put her hand under his chin and pouted.

Cameron: All right, you convinced me.

With a wave of his hand, a doll appeared in front of him that looked like Helen. He stuck a bandage on the doll and a girl appeared from the bandage. She was jumping up in front of him. The doll floated in the air.

Cameron: Now, Crystal. Take this doll and get the diamond from the one who looks like it.

Crystal: Whatever you say!

Kristen looked at Crystal disapprovingly. Crystal disappeared in a flash. Kristen turned her attention back at Cameron.

Kristen: Thanks for getting back at her for me.

Cameron: Now what will you do for me?

Kristen motioned for him to come closer to her with her finger. He walked towards her.

Scene 2

[Amoeba Records, late afternoon] Nellie and Penny were walking around shopping for CDs and videos.

Penny: It's getting late. Are you done?

Nellie: Almost.

Near the checkout counter, Helen, in her pajamas, was paying for her movies. Crystal appeared some distance away and stabbed the voodoo doll in the stomach. Helen lurched forward holding onto her stomach.

Emily: Are you all right?

Helen: Yeah, cramps, I guess.

Emily: That will be $35 even.

Helen opened her purse and took out her credit card. Crystal stabbed the voodoo doll in the back. Helen arched backwards and yelled in pain, holding her back.

Emily: Are you sure you're okay?

Helen (sweating): I'm fine.

Emily [handing her the receipt]: Sign here.

Helen took the pen. Penny and Nellie were looking at her strangely.

Nellie: She sure is making a lot of noise.

Penny: Nellie, look over there. That girl has a doll in her hand that just looks like that girl.

Nellie: Oh, I read about this. It's called voodoo.

Penny: Can anyone do that?

Nellie: No, not here. She must be the enemy.

Scene 3

Helen left the store holding her bag. Crystal moved to follow her, but Nellie and Penny stood in front of her with their arms crossed.

Crystal: Get out of my way!

Nellie: We know what you are, so just give it up.

Emily: Hey, are you guys going to buy anything?

Penny: No. Sorry, we're just leaving.

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