Episode 30: A Harry Mess

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Scene 1

[Melrose Ave, nearly noon] The stores were just opening. Ollie was walking around alone looking down at the ground.

Ollie: I hope I'll see him again.

Ollie smiled at the thought and cheerfully entered a shop. She gasped because Harry was there looking at some jackets. She pretended to look at some other stuff near the door but was secretly looking at him. She started to move closer but then a dark haired girl grabbed onto Harry's arm. They were smiling at each other and talking.

Dawn: Harry, are you really going to buy that? It's never going to be that cold here.

Ollie: His name is Harry.

Harry: You're right, but it would look great on me.

Dawn: Anything would look great on you.

She leaned her head on his shoulder. Ollie frowned.

Ollie: He already has a girlfriend! Darn.

Scene 2

[Essex] Ollie sighed and was about to leave the store when Magnolia entered with a wasp following her. Ollie looked at her knowing she was the enemy but turned back and pretended to look at stuff. Magnolia walked straight towards Harry but passed behind him. Light flashed across Magnolia's eyes as she passed by Harry who was still talking to Dawn lovingly. Ollie watched and waited patiently.

[Catz house] Nellie ran down the stairs and looked over the railing at Carter and Penny who were seated at the table playing Connect Four. Princess was napping in the game box.

Nellie: Where's Ollie?

Carter: She went out.

Nellie: Alone?

Penny: She can take care of herself.

Nellie: It's not that. I said that we have to go out in pairs at least.

Carter: Don't worry so much. If she's in trouble, we'll know.

Nellie: I guess you're right.

Carter: Sure I am.

[Essex] Dawn was laughing as she talked to Harry. Ollie could hear every word they were saying. She rolled her eyes and sighed. A worker there walked over to Ollie.

Clare: Do you need help?

Ollie: No thanks. I'm just looking.

Clare: All right. Just let me know if you need some later on.

Ollie: Thanks.

Ollie looked out of the window and saw a few people outside walking by.

Ollie: I should get them out of the store.

Ollie walked closer to the couple as Magnolia looked down at the wristbands.

Ollie [passing by]: Excuse me.

Dawn: Oh, sorry. Maybe we should leave.

Harry: Okay.

Ollie looked at the jacket Harry was looking at but watched them leave the store out of the corner of their eye and, after waiting a few minutes, followed them.

Scene 3

Magnolia (to Clare): Could I see this?

Clare: Sure.

Clare took out her key to open the case as Magnolia looked around.

Magnolia: Oh no! He's gone!

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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