Episode 27: Gorgeous Make Up

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Scene 1

[Catz house, sunset] Nellie ran into the house holding some papers in her hand. The others looked at her from the dining room table.

Carter: You're late for dinner!

Nellie: But I have a good excuse.

Nellie threw off her jacket and showed them four tickets.

Ollie: What are those?

Nellie: I won four tickets to a show tomorrow night at this club on Sunset Blvd. All ages.

Penny: How did you win them?

Nellie: I was listening to the radio and there was this really easy question about how many eyelids a cat has.

All: Three!

Nellie: See, it's so easy. Well I was the first person to get the right answer so I won. I just picked them up today from the station!

Ollie: When's the show?

Nellie: Tomorrow night.

Princess looked around at all of them as they talked excitedly about the concert. She sighed.

Princess: Looks like they're getting used to human life.

Carter: But that's a good thing!

The three girls nodded in agreement at Princess.

Scene 2

[The Roxy, the next night] The four left Princess safely at home as they stood outside in the cool afternoon breeze waiting for the doors to open.

Penny: I'm so excited! I've never been to a show before!

Nellie: It's going to be so great! Do you know how much it would have cost if we had to buy tickets?

Once the doors opened, people started pushing to get inside. Nellie and Ollie also pushed but Carter and Penny got left behind.

Carter: Good thing we have our tickets.

Penny: These people are crazy.

Carter: Looks like we've lost Nellie and Ollie.

Carter and Penny got their tickets torn in half and walked in. They looked around for Nellie and Ollie but couldn't find them in the crowd.

Carter: I thought Ollie would be easy to find. She has orange hair.

Penny: But there are a lot of redheads here, and people will all have different hair colors. You don't think they are-

Carter: No way. That's hair dye. Haven't you seen that in magazines?

Penny: Oh, yeah, right.

Carter: Well the show isn't starting for another hour. Let's go wander around.

Penny agreed. They walked around and somehow sneaked backstage but they didn't know it. Another girl was there, who was a fan, Dawn Stephens. Carter and Penny popped in next to her.

Carter: Hi.

Dawn (sternly): What are you doing back here? This is only for special guests.

Penny: Sorry, we didn't know.

Dawn (smiling): No, I was just kidding. I sneaked back here too. Just don't tell anyone.

She put her index finger over her mouth. Penny and Carter smiled and nodded. They followed her as she looked around at the rooms. They noticed a door that said Make Up Room.

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