The man he made me

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"Maybe I did,"I say as I open the car door and pause. Will he say no to flowers? Everyone loves flowers,right?
"What?"he asks,pulling his door open to get in,
"Wait,don't go in yet-"why is my heart beating so fast?I pull out the flowers and hold them in front of him,
"You- you really didn't have to do this."he says,like he wants to make fun of me. Any other day I would have something to say back. Right now I'm feeling like I'll turn into a stuttering mess if he does,
"At first I thought just a bouquet would do it. But then I remembered that people normally go for significant numbers. So I thought,why not seven? I believe we've kissed seven times but then technicalities of the laws of well... kissing. So I thought add five on top of that-"
"Then I scrapped that idea because it got to my head and- well I thought why not thirty-two because you're about to turn thirty-two. But then that's more of a birthday thing. So I settled for twenty eight."I say,taking two steps closer until the only thing between us is the flowers.
I can barely breath when I look at him. Barely.
"... why that number?"
"It honours each and every time you've made me lose my mind."
"Twenty eight times,huh?"he says taking the flowers in his hands,
"It's actually fifty six. It's just each individual flower would be so big that you wouldn't be able to hold it,so I halved it."I explain showing him with my hands. The words make him blush and look down at his shoes,a mutter laugh escaping his beautiful lips,
"...can I have the honor of knowing the first five times? Just to know you're not lying to me about all these infamous fifty six encounters."he asks,
"The first,was when I looked into those eyes of yours for the first time. So many emotions swirling through me. I couldn't understand what I was feeling whether it was the anger making me go crazy or you."I explain,making him laugh. I love making him laugh,
"The second time was when you were dancing in an elevator,ignoring me."the memory gives me warmth. A warmth that pulls the pain of the night cold straight away,
"The third is when you refused to buy into my antics and trick Bethany at Oliver's competition."
"You're such a good actor you didn't need me at all."he says,sarcastically,
"The fourth is when you blushed at Lucian the first day you two met. It nearly drove me to madness."
"I didn't think you looked."
"I always look,Red. That's why the fifth is when you wore that red suit and forced me to dance with you. If you could see into my thoughts that night-"
"I'd never see you the same?"
"Perhaps."I shrug like that isn't my worst nightmare. He hums and looks back down at the flowers,
"Their beautifully... unbloomed roses."my brows furrow and I look down. Well,isn't this the work of the dark lord. All this talking and I didn't even realise...
"Lyria. I forgot to bloom them-"I brush my fingers over their closed petals and let warm aether run through my arm,"I wanted them to be as fresh as possible for you and instead I just messed it all up."the flowers bloom fully soon after,
"Why?"he asks,
"Because well. These flowers aren't ordinary roses their a mix of tulips and roses and they have a special pollen."
"Of course they do."
"Don't roll your eyes at me-"I point an accusing at him and he raises both his eye brows up,"Ingesting it mimics the same feeling of serotonin and the secretion of dopamine. It's the feeling of..."falling in love. Something I thought I would never know. But you taught me,Kristian what it feels like to want to give everything to someone.
I would tell him that if the night was right.
"Feeling of what? An aphrodisiac,it sounds like that."
"It is not that! It far more innocent and loving and- ugh. Can you feel it?"I ask looking at him,
"No,not really."he shakes his head making me sigh as I tap my fingers against the bud to make the pollen fly out and into his nose. He sniffs it and instantly starts to strangle on it. "... That is so strong."he laughs,
"Is it? Well let me put it the back then-"before I can finish my sentence,he tugs my tie pulling me closer and places his lips on mine. He kisses me with such intensity,one moment,a minute that feels like seconds.
This is what addiction feels like,isn't it?
"In public,that's a whole new level,even for you."I tease and his eyes glow with a playful glint,
"That's my line,"


The room quiets at last once we're done. Void of our gasps and other unholy expressions of pleasure that once echoed,
My head carefully resting at the space in between his neck and shoulders. Drowning in the scent of him,my chest rising and falling with the breath I lost.
His hands keep my body close. That feeling,his fingers grazing against my skin. It's thrilling,it's electrifying. It's something I'm beginning to like a little too much.
Heat corsing through my veins even though I'm completely naked the only thing between me and the elements is a single thin cover,over my lower half. Sighing,I peel my weight off of him and lay down beside him.
Our bodies shifting into a new position. It's been four hours,I believe. We could have gone longer had it not been for my mother refusing to leave. I have never wanted her to leave so badly in my entire life.
Kristian doesn't turn over to look at me as he pulls my blanket over his chest,"How are your wounds?"he asks,and I look over to the bandages on my arms,
"Nonexistent. I've healed already,"
"Then why are they still on?"
"Formalities."I mutter,reaching my hand out and letting my fingers dance up his face and into his hair,playing with it. Just as a cat would a ball of yarn.
"Yeah right,"it's dark so I can't see but I bet he's rolling his eyes. "Is it just me or have you gotten better at this."
"Better at what?"as the heat starts to wear off I use my free hand to pull my blanket over my stomach,
"... you know."he mumbles,making me smile amused that he always incites our encounters but has no interest in accountability.
"Ah,yes,fornication. Research,darling."
"I don't believe someone can get better at it just by... researching."
"Well,I did,unfortunately for all the other untalented someones in the world."A pause,"You've been acting strange lately."I deadpan after a moment.
He sucks in a breath after a fat beat of silence,"What do you mean?"
"I mean you don't tease me anymore. You don't quip. You don't look at me with those eyes,"
"What eyes?"
"The ones that tell me how wanted I am. Not that I would need further reassurance-"
"Elijah are you trying to start an argument with me right after we've had sex?"he snaps making me gingerly release the strand of his hair I was playing with,
"Perhaps. Let's say I remembered I'm the only one giving it my all recently."I joke half heartedly. I do,in a way,mean that he's been acting weird. And not his usual weird self way,
"Of course,the office predator would say that,"he barks out a laugh,
"Oh,we're playing that game now? You were the one who convinced me to sleep with you when I was doing just fine in my celibacy."
"I was only trying help you a poor desperate soul. You should've seen yourself-"
"Shut up."I grumble,turning away from him and facing the ceiling. Everything is quiet for a second before I hear ruffling from his end. His hands slowly wrapping around my torso as his head lies on my chest. "What now?"I mutter,
"Do you ever think about what becomes of us... later?"
"Later when?"I smirk and he actually puts his finger on my lips and turns the smile upside down,
"Sometimes people have secret lovers,like we're a secret. But they do it for a few weeks others do it for years. Do you ever wonder when-"
"We'll stop?"I ask,looking down at him with a serious expression,he nods. I sigh gliding my hand down his back and stopping at his hip,"Not recently,no."
"All because this little rickety guy told me to stop thinking so far into the future. So I did."
"Red,look at me. Right now I doubt anything or anyone could make me want to stop for some reason or the next."I whisper,soothing him in my arms. Lyria,is it normal for their to be a person on this earth who feels so good in my embrace?
"What if there was secret- that alters your entire life?"
"You over estimate yourself."

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