Chapter 3

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Nice to see you guys again! I think this chapter will be short because of dad's friend as well as my aunt and uncle are here, they're really awesome! (Especially since my Aunt loves books and is so interested in Wattpad...)

*listens to the story of a guy dying in a sinkhole recently in florida...then hears them start talking about a diseases that causes guys to not have a (whistles)* .-. "NICE." Zero Kiryu :3

SONG: You're Gonna go Far Kid (The Offspring ((I like this song. Usualy I just listen to the Nightcore version, but I listened to this and it's not so bad)) this kinda fits Zero right now I find xD)



As I had thought, I caught Zero entering the building, his coat almost completely inside before I caught sight of it. Grinning evilly, not caring about how I would get him back home in time, I dashed over into the building, opening the door as quiet as a mouse and closing it just as slow. I heard Zero's footsteps retreat somewhere upstairs. Looking to my left, the small staircase that lead to the second floor was an easy feat and wouldn't show me coming upstairs because of the wall to the side. I could hide from Zero's sight.

I skipped up the steps lightly before remembering one of my many abilities. Taking in a deep breath, my blood rushing with fear, my wings unfurled behind me, to large for the corridor as they slammed against the walls, shaking the pictures and things hanging from the wall on the other side. I froze as I heard Zero coming to see what had happened. Flying clumsily down the staircase, into through the living room, I found myself stuck. Zero had heard me fall back, so he too went down the stairs and was making his way closer and closer to me. Not wanting to be found out, I flew to the top of the room, grabbing the chain that connected the fancy chandelier to the ceiling. I made sure to make it more stable before I willed myself to become invisible, although I was almost certain that was impossible.

Zero came into the room as if on cue, the look on his face concerning. He looked...funny. What? Is that what Zero was here for! Was Zero drinking or doing drugs behind my back?! (To think he wasn't sharing...)

He stumbled in the room, looking around. Behind the chairs, under the table, behind the broken TV. Yep, there was definitely something wrong with Zero. His white hair covered his face as he leaned over to look inside a box, his butt pointed in my direction. Daaamn... I thought, staring at him even though  I could be found out at any second.

All the sudden, Zero spun around and looked directly at me, right in the eye. I froze, about to sigh in defeat when he did so instead. I cocked an eyebrow in question, but Zero simply turned and walked away.

"Must've been my imagination..." Zero combed his fingers through his hair as he went back upstairs, acting as though he never saw me. Alright, either Zero really was messed up or I really could turn invisible. I wasn't sure if I could consider either of the decisions good or bad.

I followed Zero up the stairs, careful this time by folding my pitch black wings behind my back. Zero slipped into the last door in the hallway, one I guessed was a bedroom. I walked slowly towards the door, tapping it slightly more open until I could see Zero standing in the corner of the room, his back to me. His coat was very clean, almost seeming to be pressed on an ironing board. His boots, knee high like mine, were a light brown. His whole stance seemed to be awkward. Catching him in the act of running away, I pushed open the door, hitting against the wall harshly. Zero flinched and jumped a little, turning around swiftly and looking at me. I smirked in triumph and pointed at him accusingly. I have you now bitch!

"Zero! I got you! Where do you think you're-" I was cut off when Zero came up to me, reaching for the

Zero walked right through me.

I froze in shock, not bothering to turn around as I heard Zero slam the door shut then walk right back through me, a strange sensation crawling up my spine. I shivered as did Zero, who looked back, his eyes searching the room before walking over to a desk that held a phone. Taking off the black phone from it's stand, he dialed a number that I recognized as Kaine Cross's. Putting the hone up against his ear, Zero sighed when Kaine's voice carried loud across the phone. Shaking his head and doing a casual greeting, Zero's face turned to stone within seconds of the conversation.

"I need a substitute for the tablets. My body won't accept them still." The Chairman's voice died on the other end almost instantly. Zero put the phone down on it's charger and I thought he had hung up on Kaine when suddenly a red light blinked rapidly on the stand. Zero had turned it onto speaker phone.

"Zero, there isn't any substitute for the tablets, you know that."

"I know. It's just that..." -Zero clawed at his neck, his nails digging small crescents into his faintly glowing tattoo- "The hunger. It's getting harder and harder to bare." Again, Kaine went silent before he sighed deeply, his voice low.

"Zero, I'd allow you to bite Sammy, but it must be willingly." I cocked an eyebrow in confusion. He was allowing Zero to bite me? Why would Zero bite me? Slowly, I understood as Zero turned to face me completely, his white hair partially covering the look on his face, but it was good enough. His eyes and tattoo glowing a fierce, eerie red, he glared at the ground in front of his feat. Prodding out of his mouth, different from the rest, two sharp-tipped fangs drew blood from his bottom lip. Vampire fangs.

"Sammy...isn't alive. I mean she is,'s hard to explain."

"Sammy Hughes is a zombie?!" Kaine Cross's voice sounded panicked as he rambled on about an Apocalypse, disease spreading around and stereotype zombies. I mean, calling me a zombie was insulting, but I guess that was the best way to explain it. A very hygienic, human-acting zombie. Zero growled, his tone harsh and cold.

"Sammy is not a zombie! She walks, talks; she's like any other human." Zero seemed to mull over what he just said. "Except for Sammy's exceptions." Zero scratched his face in irritation for lack of a better explanation. Kaine laughed.

"I guess you're right. Her blood doesn't flow anymore, so it wouldn't be warm either. Her heart has completely stopped. That would be unsatisfactory for you, my dear Zero." Kaine's voice was calm, drifting clear through the speaker. "Zero, you'll need to bite someone I assume, but do not become too infatuated with the taste of blood."

"I know that already!" Zero hissed, his eyes blazing a furious red. "I won't become a Level E!" Zero paused, catching his breath as though he just ran a marathon. He slouched on the floor, back pressed against the wall as he breathed in and out. Gasping for air, Zero covered his mouth with his hand, trying to steady his breath as Kaine tried to sooth him with words that made no sense.

Personally, I was still worried about my situation. Zero walked right through me!

Willing myself to become visible, the opposite of the trick I tried earlier, I felt a weight lifted from my shoulders as I dropped to the ground with a loud thump. Zero looked up at me in surprise, finally seeing me before going silent. Kaine sounded distracted but concerned on the other end of the phone.

"Zero? What was that?" Zero eyes grazed over mine, seeming seductive but cautious all at once. He looked to the receiver as though the Chairman himself stood there.

"Nothing. What were you saying? I wasn't listening."

"Zero, Yuki is a Pureblood vampire. You drank some of her blood as a human, but now since she's a vampire, her blood turned different inside of her as well as inside of you." I froze, registering what the headmaster had just said.

Yuki...wasn't human?

Zero seemed to notice my reaction, pressing the hang up button on the phone and staring at me with weary eyes.

"You...when did you get here?"


NOT how I wanted to end it at all, but my father wanted the computer and I really wanted to post this! Sorry!

I just realized I haven't been editing the chapters. I'll start rigth away, ASAP!

A Vampire's Promise (Sequel to-Lost in a Frozen World)Where stories live. Discover now