Chapter 4

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Decided since the other chapter was really short and I wanted to continue it, why not make another short chapter (if it ends up that way) to continue onto it?

Oh the sadness of my loser day QAQ but I had guests and my dad was on the computer almost ALL DAY.

PICTURE: Zero again ( looked at it and thought 'DID THE PHOTOSHOP IT?! ZERO..SMILING?!)

MUSIC: Unstable- Chaotica



Seeing Zero's frightened look, I couldn't help but feel afraid as well. He looked me up and down, surprised. His voice was low as he asked me again,

"What are you doing here?"

Huffing, I crossed my arms, glaring at Zero. I tried to shove everything that has happened today behind me as I watched him carefully. I had basically appeared in thin air. Zero had to be wondering what had happened as well.

"To get you! We only have about an hour left to get back home!" Zero looked turned annoyed before he turned his back to me, staring at the wall.

"I'm not going back there. Your parents are human-"

"And you could easily eat them up, yeah yeah." Zero looked disturbed slightly, shifting from foot to foot as he scratched his neck. I could tell he was trying to hold back his mood and all, so I sighed, glaring at him right in the eyes.

"What?" He questioned, his nose scrunching up slightly.

"You're coming with me. Now." Grabbing Zero by the arm and glancing at my arm, I stucked in a deep breath of air as I realized we'd have to take a good half hour back to the house but we only had five. Zero smirked, knowing why I was suddenly stressed. Growling, the sound deep in my throat, Zero understood to act casual, which he did, whistling as he looked around the room as if the walls were the most facinating thing he had ever seen. A lightbulb blinked on in my mind, but I wasn't sure it was going to work, or if it was the smartest thing to do. Giving Zero a look that probably was registered as pedophile in his mind, I grabbed his forearms and willed myself to become invisible. Zero gasped for a moment before squinting his eyes.

"Uhm, just flickered in and out of sight." Zero squinted his eyes again before blinking a few times. "And now you're there again." Sighing in defeat, I took Zero's hand and walked around the room. I had failed, my paretns would be home any minute. They wouldn't meet me for the first time in months, maybe a year now for all I knew. Zero tightened the grip on my hand, no longer afraid of meeting my parents since he wouldn't have to. Zero had won. I walked out the door, frowning when I saw the mirror across from us. my eyes widened.

We were invisible.

I gaped as did Zero, staring at the blank mirror that showed neither of us. I dropped Zero's hand; he appeared. I grasped it tightly again. He disappeared. Again, i grinned evily, although I was sure Zero couldn't see me since I couldn't see him. Turning around and running towards the window, hoping I had enough time, I smashed the window with my body, glad no one happened to be underneath me where the glass would shatter. there were people screaming in fear of a fight or invason, but I ignored their stupid ideas. Of course they couldn't see us, I was Sammy Hughes. I made shit happen.

Zero yelled loud but no one seemed to hear or see him. Struggling in my grip as we almost hit the ground, I unfurled my wings, letting the wind pull us up into the sky. I moaned in delight, feeling the wind pass by as I zoomed in the direction of our appartment. Zero struggled against me, my arms down so I could hole him under his armpits. Zero felt like a feather in my arms, weighing nothing compared to my wings. Slowly desending near the window sill of our appartment, I didn't dare drop Zero in fear of him being seen and as well of the simple fact that he would drop- oh, let's say- four stories down to the ground.

Slowly, I let go of Zero's right arm so that he could grasp the ledge of the window. I pushed up on thw glass, trying to sucessfully open the window from the outside, which I did. After the first few tries, the window let up, a crack opening at the bottom. I pulled up with all my might, glad we didn't have a screen behind the window. That would have caused problems.

Hearing a hastey knock on the door and knowing my mom would simply let themselves in liek they owned the place, I literally threw Zero inside the house. He grunted softly when he hit the ground, picking himself up quick when he ehard the front door open. I jumpped inside, willed myself to be visible and hid my wings. They always seemed to disappear whenever I wanted them to, so they simply vanished.

Just as I thought, mother appeared in the doorway, her afce screwed up in a disapproving scowl. This was going to be a hell of a verbal fight. I could feel it.


Not how I wanted to end it, but I had to. I have school tomorrow and things to do. I haven't edited this chapter because I REALLY GOTTA GO.


A Vampire's Promise (Sequel to-Lost in a Frozen World)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя