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FIRST OF ALL, I would like people to acknowledge this is the third epilogue I've tried and I feel pretty confident of it. I would ALSO like people to know that because of crappy internet, this is my third time rewriting from mind the epilogue I had originally written. So.

With that said...I went and re-read the ending I wrote in the Sequel....I told myself to go f*** myself. What kind of an ending is that? Not that this may be any better now that I am re writing but...here you go!




             Even as a kid, I always had imagined my tall, lean, handsome prince coming to my house, sweeping my away with his charm as we rode off into the sunset on his horse. Of course, he was a little different from what I expected, but in a good way.

       Zero kiryu eyed me curiously as I sat at the kitchen table, trying to feed our child Yukiteru his mashed pears. Zero and I had Yukiteru two years ago, and although it seemed hastey at the time, Zero and Kiryu were well into our twenties, almost in our thirties now. Even though our childs name is close to someone else (you know who I mean), neither Zero or I thought too much of it, since that someone was special to the both of us.

       As I tried to feed Yukiteru, who cowered from the sight and smell of the mashed pears, Zero laughed lightly and smirked, nodding his head from where he sat with his half drank coffee. He stated,

      "Yuki won't eat it like that. Put a little sugar on the pears." Giving a sharp glare to Zero and trying to hide a smile, I hissed,

      "If you give this child anymore sugar, he's going to be diabetic! Calm down with the sugar." I shook my head, thinking to myself, Women these days. Zero took the bowl of pears and placed a bowl of oatmeal in front of Yuki instead. Surprisingly, Yuki laughed, clapping his hands and tugging at his dark, almost black hair. Zero smiled mischeviously, but I didn't pick that up before I placed a spoonful of oatmeal into Yukiteru's mouth. A small smile cracked on my face.

        "What's in the oatmeal?" I asked, sighing as though I already knew.

        "Two heaping spoons of brown sugar." Shaking my head and laughing to myself, I fed Yuki until he wanted no more. Zero finished off his coffee and prepped a bag for his daytime job, as I would be doing for my nighttime job. We split the work so that we would each have time for Yuki, but still have time for each other. Doing his usual routine of getting ready, I did my routine; I picked up the empty bowl and placed it in the sink, walked back over to Yukiteru and made him look up at me. Forcing his mouth open, I stared at his quickly growing teeth.

         No fangs.

         It's quite strange, isn't it? Two vampires making a human kid..." I murmured to myself more than to Zero who stood only inches away from me. He glared into Yuki's mouth as well, making the child uncomfortable.

           "Maybe it's just a weird part of the vampiric pyramid." Zero was referring to the pyramid that showed all levels of vampires from Purebloods to Level E's. Zero continued, "Maybe it's impossible to make a vampire kidfrom us, but we don't know for sure. His normal teeth still aren't fully grown, let alone any possible fangs." I nodded in agreement. I picked up Yuki from his stool and brought him into the living room to play with his toys. Zero followed after me. Facing him, I wrapped my arms around him as he did the same to me, pulling me into a tight embrace. His smell was intoxicating as I breathed through his dress shirt, trying to hide the noise of my pounding heart.

         "I love you..." He murmured, bringing me closer for a slow kiss that made my heart fluttered. I smiled, trying to hold onto to Zero for as long as possible before he had to go. Leaving me grinning like a fool, Zero left and I was left to smile idiotically.

          This is how it always had been and always will be like. No matter how many years, days or hours passed, Zero always seemed to surprise me in some way, making me love him more and more. He was my dark handsome prince, shawdowed by his dark cape. His darkness was mine as mine was his. This didn't mean that we weren't a happy-go-lucky couple though. nothing could ever stop me from feeling these emotions towards Zero, and I hoped that it would be the same for him. Absentmindedly, I sat beside Yukiteru and began to play with him and his toys. My mind wandered back to Zero's kiss and every word he uttered. I closed my eyes slowly, savoring the moment as my entire body burned where he touched me. I smiled, whispering,

            "I love you too."


This is it. I hope you liked this ending better then the other one (because hell, even I read it and was like -the fuq?). Even as their journey goes on it will always be like this, with the same emotions, same people, and same everyday feelings.

I plan to start another fan fiction one day (although I'm not sure what anime yet) but first I will be doing an original story calledDance Without Me ! I realized when I type my stories first, I repaet myself and use the same words, but when I write it out, it's totally different (to me anyways) so it'll take awhile but it'll be good!

For once and for all, thank you for reading this series! I hope you enjoyed!


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