Chapter 5

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The look on her face gave her emotions away. Mother- her scowl just what I wanted to see at three in the afternoon- seemed to be in another world. Her brown hair curled around her cheek bones, framing her face with it's luscious brown locks. It curled until a little way past her shoulder blades, a huge difference with us. I was basically the polar opposite to my other, complexion-wise anyway, but we got along really well...until I went to Cross Academy. Now you could say that we were complete strangers that occasionally got along well.

Trying to lighten the mood, I smiled at Zero, who seemed to have noticed the unsettling tension in the air. Zero shifted his weight from one leg to the other uncomfortably, trying to figure out exactly what had happened between me and my mother. Zero glanced at me, seeing if I had anything to say, which I did.

"Zero, this is my mother, Tri-"

"Tristan." My mother interupted, glaring Zero up and down, seeming to be taking in his very being. Zero stood his ground, staring at her directly in the eyes with that cold glare of his. Mother seemed to register this and looked away, her eyes settling on me now. "My name is Tristan Hughes, Samantha is my daughter." A growing aura of hate surrounded my mother as she looked around the house. What a snotty rich woman.

"So, mother, what brings you here? I was informed of you coming here, but still..." I frowned, seeing my mom look at me disapprovingly.

"Samantha Hughes, you left school and came to live in this dump-"

"Our dump." Zero interrupted, a small smile playing on his lips.

"-and you expect me to not complain? What is going on in that mind of yours?" mother shook her head, walking towards me. For a moment I thought she was going to hug me, but instead she brushed past me, taking a seat in one of the kitchen chairs. She twisted around to shut the window Zero and I flew through moments ago. Her cleavage obvious as she leaned over, I caught Zero glimpse at it and elbowed his rib cage. I wasn't going to lose Zero to anyone, not my mother or hormones for that matter. Zero grunted, causing mother to whip her head around, probably thinking we were doing something inappropriate. Finally,  she grimaced at Zero, her eyes blazing with a killer look.

"So, who is he?" Mother's voice was harsh, almost spitting out every word with venom. Zero didn't notice, or he just didn't care as he shrugged half-hearted, turning ninety degrees from her.

"Zero Kiryu." He replied, his tone unamused. Zero, his usual attitude coming back to him, he carefully sat in the chair across from my mom, leaving me with a chair in between the two. I smiled awkwardly at them both as they started their own conversation that excluded me.

"Are you rooming with Sammy?"

"As her boyfriend, yes." Zero raised an eyebrow to mother who looked shocked beyond belief, a silent question passing between the two that i hadn't caught onto.

"Boyfriend. Sammy never told me such a thing." Mother looked away, closing her eyes as she lowered her head, muttering, "She never told me he looked like this either."

"Excuse me?" I warned her, my eyes narrowing as she once again ignored me. Standing up to retreat to the fridge, I made another attempt to drink something, bringing a bottle of spring watter for Zero at the same time. Mother looked offended, but I mean she did just offend me with what she said about my perfect Zero. My God-like Zero. Perfection.

"Have you two had sex yet?" Whatever attempt to try drinking fluids again failed because I spit out my drink on the floor, coughing as I hit my chest hard. Did we have sex yet?! Is that what she was so worried about? Zero seemed to have the same reaction as he coughed, eyes watering as he too hit his chest as he tried to process what a full blown adult had asked.

"What?" Zero and I asked simutaniously. Mother leaned back in her chair, her expression unreadable.

"I take that as a no...hopefully." Mother looked to me again and I shook my head vigorously. Zero's forehead creased with worry as he looked to me, but I simply grinned at him, trying to keep on the act when I turned back around to face mother who looked like she had just witnessed two turtles racing. Not very fun, huh?

"Of course we haven't! We're still in school, we have other things to concentrate on besides each others sexy bodies." Zero chuckled behind me, ruffling my hair for a few seconds, earning a glare from my mom but he didn't mind. Lowering his hand after awhile, mother glaring at him still, Zero straightened himself, leaning back slightly in his chair as he spoke quietly.

"Why did you come here exactly?" His tone now sounding amused, Zero kept his gaze fixated on mom, making her shudder as she felt him overpower her.

"I simply wanted to see if my baby was safe, that's all." She narrowed her eyes at Zero, looking at him cautiously. "Have you got a problem with that?"

"Not at all. It was a simple question." His cool and calm attitude pissed mother off. She huffed, slouching in her chair slightly. How unsightly of mother.

"Samantha Hughes, you are coming back home with me."

"What?!" Again, Zero and I shouted at her in sync, trying to believe if ours ears had deceived us. Mother looked at us as though we were idiots and repeated herself. No doubt she wanted me back home, she really had meant it.

"Mother I can't!" I whined, trying to sound serious but come on, when have I ever been serious? I could feel it, but I couldn't help but smile or laugh at myself.

"And why ever not?" Mother quirked an eyebrow, glancing between the two of us. "You and your... friend have been alone in a house way out of town for far too long! You'll come crawling back to me eventually anyway, so the earlier the better!" I left my mouth hanging open. Did this person actually just say that? I looked to Zero worriedly. He understood my concern the best; if I went over to mother's house to live there again, not only would I be hurt more then ever, but mother would also question why I don't eat, use the bathroom, or sleep really. I don't need basic human needs anymore- she'll be really confused and think I'm anorexic or something.

"I love Zero and I love living with him! Give us a chance!"

"You've had a month long chance Samantha! I will not tolerate you staying in this shit shack any longer!" My eyes grew wide at mother's swearing as she stood, towering over me easily as I sat there. Zero flinched, I saw it through the corner of my eye. Mother was getting way out of hand. I was perfectly safe where I was at this minute, so there shouldn't be any problem!

"Get out."

"Hmm?" Mother mumbled, looking down on me with that belittling expression. I growled, my eyebrows coming down towards my eyes.

"I said get out." Mother looked astonished. She hissed,

"You cannot tell your own mother what to do."

"And you cannot tell me what do to and what not to under my own roof." I stood my ground, watching as mother stumbled over her words. She walked right up to me, staring me in the eyes before slapping me hard on the cheek. I didn't bother to touch the aching mark, it would only show her that it really did hurt. Mother walked out the door, mumbling something under her breath. "And stay out, you old hag!" She slammed the doro and I took the chance to touching the mark she had left. Zero looked at me appologetically, grabbing a damp clothes and pushing it to my cheek; the cool watre on it made me feel much better.

The fuck was going on? Mom wanted me home?


PICTURE: Sammy (pretend the wongs are pitch black, cause I couldn't find a better picture xD)

MUSIC: Loser- Beck

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