Chapter 12

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SONG: Ib- Orchestral theme (you can play right at the beginning!~ MAYBE IF YOU'D LIKE. It sort of reminds me of Vampire KNight's type of music.)




My mind was wandering from what was actually happening before me. All I could see in front of my eyes was my hands, covered in blood and slowly beginning to be shrouded in darkness.

My mind went blank. Blood. Warm, red blood. The blood of countless people. Countless vicitms.

Countless dead humans.

Suddenly my vision flashed white as my body went numb. The familiar feeling of falling backwards alerted my body, but I couldn't do anything about it. I felt dead, lik a rag doll. I blinked, moaning in pain as I tried to look around. Everything was still hazy as my vision returned, only to send me into a pitch black room, the shadow of a chandelier swinging on the ceiling. It was dead silent, an uncomfortable silence that sent shivers down my sides as I tried to get up. it didn't work.

Four purple knives that glowed, along with my tattoo, struck and held down my arms and legs. I struggled against their power, but the more I resisted, the more sharp they seemed to become. I hissed, grinding my teeth as two faces popped up in front of me. Sammy and Yuki, Yuki clutching onto her bracelet as Sammy held a candle. The bracelet Yuki pressed against my neck made the knives feel all the more painful and I yelled out in pain. Sammy bit her nails, something I hadn't ever seen her do before- she looked terrified and nervous. Yuki and Sammy started to talk, but all I could take from their conversation was their moving lips. No words had come out of their mouths, not to my deaf ears. Sammy then nodded and left to enter the darkness in the corner of my eyes. Yuki looked directly at me, seeming to yell words which I only heard as a mumble.

"We'll ok?" I groaned, turning my head from side to side as my neck was aching violently. I had a migrain, the feeling of throwing up washing over me. I didn't bother trying to listen to Yuki anymore; her words were only faint and coming to me in bits and pieces I couldn't understand. Sammy came back, a blanket in hand that she wrapped around my chest as she sobbed. Then she pulled something out from behind her, placing it around one of my wrists and handing the other to Yuki. Yuki did the same just as the knives vanished. I felt like a captured beast that was just let out of it's cage. I thrashed around, screaming as they forced me to my feet. Cold metal seemed to clamp around my whole body as they pulled me backwards my arms twisting in a way I never thought they could. My vision was blackening again. I stopped struggling and tried to walk backwards with them, but my eyes landed on something before I could get my footing.

What was that? Was that a body or a rug or something? I couldn't tell, so I squinted my eyes, leaning forward and closer to it so I could see better. The only thing I could tell for sure was the torn up back and a wedding ring. My heart stopped.



I didn't know what to say. Kaine hooked me up to a table like frankenstein, my hands and feet handcuffed as Sammy and Yuki watched from a distant. Kaname Kuran also stood away in the corner, watching carefully as I was strapped down. Kaine didn't say a word and stepped away. By now I had calmed down and was processing everything I had done, everything that had happened. I couldn't believe myself; drinking human blood was disgusting, how could I resort to that? Was my vampiric side beginning to take over the better part of me, taking a turn for the worse? Did I actually kill all those kind people, including Ms.Lela?  Was I supposed to believe that?!

A Vampire's Promise (Sequel to-Lost in a Frozen World)Where stories live. Discover now