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A/N This chapter will be divided in two parts. Part A & B. So don't get confused.

Kate's POV

"Hey. Is everything alright?" David asks when I come back inside. What will I tell him? What if the Adairs already told David everything?

"Everything is fine." I tell him. I know that he doesn't believe me, but I can't tell him anything. He has already gone through so much trouble because of me.

"If there's anything that I can do then tell me, okay?" He replies. I know that he wants to help me, but I can't take anyone help.

"Okay. Thank you." I should thank him all the time. He is always helping me out. I'm sure if I tell him about the problem, then he'll do everything to make it alright. That's how David is. He's always helping everyone.

"No need to thank me. What are friends for?" He gives me a genuine smile.

I'm really exhausted now. I just want to sleep. This day was so happy and nice, but it's ending like this.


"Have you had dinner?" David asks.

"Yes. I had it at my friend's place." I tell him.

"Friend?" I stare at him blankly. Is he asking me or stating the fact? I look at him to speak something more.

"I didn't know that you had a friend here."

Now, Now, Now.. Isn't someone turning a bit nosey here?

Oh PLEASE!!!!! Not now. I really don't need you right now.

I don't need your permission. I'm just telling you what I think.

Shut up. Will you?!

"Kate." David calls me.

I am spacing out again. He must be thinking that I am going paranoid, but the truth is that I'm always having an inner battle with my other self.

"Ya. About that friend of mine, remember Cole?" I ask him.

"Yes. We met at the charity event."

"Yes. That Cole. Well, he's my friend."

"Okay. I'm sorry I'm not trying to be nosey here."

"It's okay. I don't mind." I assure him.

"If you don't mind me asking, when I had called you earlier today, I think your friend had picked up the phone..."

"Oh yeah. That was Andrew." I answer. Wait. Had he even finished asking what he was asking?

"Oh. Andrew is that Andrew, who I met that day in my office, right?"

"Yes." What have I done? Now I'll have to explain him everything. And I'm really exhausted to give any explanations.

David's POV

Andrew. I know that the two of them have had something before. I had noticed it when I had seen Kate looking at him. There was a longing in her eyes. I wish that she would look at me like that. I wish....

Get a grip, David.

I can't let her know how I feel about her. I mean, I don't even know how I feel about her. All this is so confusing.

"Okay. Well, Goodnight then." I tell her.

"Good night, David." She smiles at me, but I can feel that something is bothering her. I need to find it out. I know that she won't tell me anything.

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