Truth or Dare?

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Clary's POV:

    "Clary?" I hear as I sit in the Institute library reading magna.

"Yeah." I respond as Jace walks in the room.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked. I showed him the cover as I kept reading.

"Clllarryy" he said stretching my name out.

"Jaaaaccceee" I said mocking his tone.
He sat down next to me and  pulled the book from my hands.

"Jace, give it back" I whined but he stood up and held it higher.

He smirked as I jumped and tried to get my book back but he had more than a foot on me, it was impossible. Then I had a great idea.

I reached up on my tiptoes and kissed him, and he kissed me back forgetting about the book. We were still kissing when I ran around him grabbed my book and ran out of the library.

As soon as I ran out I crashed right into Izzy and Alec.

"Ouch..." Alec exclaimed sounding more surprised then hurt.

"Hey!" Izzy said

"We were just looking for you guys Simon and Magnus will be here soon, we are going to play games and stuff."

"Ohhhh!! Cool can we play Truth or Dare!" Clary said.

"Yeah" Izzy squealed

"That'll be fun!"

When Alec and Simon showed up we got strait to the game.

"Clary since it was your idea you go first." Izzy said

"Okay, Simon truth or dare? I said


"I dare you to let Jace get on D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) and do anything he wants for 3 minutes."

"But..." Simon sputted

"He'll ruin all my progress and he'll lose all my stuff!"

"Too bad that was the dare" Jace said with a smirk.

Simon pulled out his computer and got on Dungeons and Dragons while Alec pulled out his phone and set the timer for 3 minutes.

Alec said "Go" and Jace immediately started selling stuff and purposely losing battles (sorry I don't play D&D)  and when Alec said "Times up" all of Simons things were gone like he started from the beginning.

"3 years of playing that game and now I have nothing, NOTHING" Simon yelled to Jace.

"Maybe you should take that as a hint to quit Sherlock" said Magnus.

"SIMON, MAGNUS, MY NAME IS SIMON" and he stormed out of the room.

"Awe poor ratboy is mad at us" Jace said.

"Jace stop" Izzy said

"It's Magnus' turn."

"Okay, Jace, truth or dare?"


"Okay I dare you to go down to Central park and pet or feed a duck."

Jace went pale and said, "There is no way I'm doing that Magnus."

"Awe is poor little Jace scared" Izzy said.

"No" Jace mumbled.

"Then let's head down to Central Park." Magnus said.

    When we get to Central Park Jace looks so scared I feel bad for him, but I can't help but laugh.

"Jace all you have to do is feed that duck a piece of bread and your done." I say but he doesn't seem to hear me as we walk up to the pond.

Magnus makes a slice of bread appear and Jace walks up to the duck slowly. He puts his hand down so the duck can take the bread and while it takes the bread Jace pulls his had back and the duck bites his hand!

Jace screams like a little girl and runs away back to the institute. We didn't play truth or dare for a long time after that.

Authors note: Like I said before this is my first fanfic and I just started it today so any comments or ideas would be nice! How do you get more people to read your stories? Thanks for my 6 readers that is a pretty big amount for just starting about 8hrs ago. Thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoy.

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