Date swap

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I started school but I haven't had time to update! :( love you guys. IMPORTANT: I made up date swap so don't go searching on your tv for it.

Clary's POV

"You know what we should do?" Izzy asks.
"What?" I ask, sitting on the edge of the couch.
"We should go on a date swap!" Izzy said.
She's been talking about this date swap for months now, it's the worst tv show I've ever seen, but Izzy loves it.
"I agree!" Magnus says, walking into the room.
"Why? It's stupid, all we do is pick one of our names out of a hat and that's who we go on a date with." I say.
"It's going to be so fun Clary!" Isabelle says, and goes to get Alec and Jace.
I go get a baseball cap from Jace's room and put our names on little pieces of paper. I mix all the names in and walk back into the library.
"Alright, let's get this over with." Jace mumbles and walks over to me.
"I'll pick first!" Izzy states putting her hand in the hat and mixing it up. She picks up a tiny piece of paper and unfolds it.
She crinkles her nose and says "Jace."
"Oh darling we'll go out for such a fancy dinner." Jace smirks and laughs at Izzys horrified expression.
"I'll go next." I say and reach my hand in the hat. I pull out a paper and unfold it.
"Magnus." I say.
"Looks like it's me and you tonight biscuit." Magnus says with a laugh.
"That leaves Simon and Alec." Izzy says.
"Let's go!" Magnus says pulling me towards the elevator.

Magnus and Clary's date: Clary's POV

Magnus pulls me into this hip sports bar, with a neon sign that reads Steeves. When we walk in there are men everywhere, with an occasional woman.
"Really Magnus, our first date and you bring me to a sports bar!" I act upset.
"They have great burgers here dear." He says, following along.
The waitress leads us to this checkered table for 2 and asks us what we want.
"Lemonade please." I say, Magnus gets water. The waitress goes to the back and I open my menu.
"This is no Taki's" Magnus says, just as the waitress comes back.
"You know what you want?" She asks rudely.
"I'll have a burger and French fries." I say.
"I'll have the chicken wrap with out lettuce, tomato, pickles, onions, ranch, and hot sauce."
"So, just a wrap with chicken." She says.
I laugh at Magnus's picky order. For an 800 year old he sure is picky.
"So, how much of a chance do I have for a next date 1-10." He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Well, since I have a boyfriend and we are 783 years apart, I'd say -2" I say with a laugh.
"But I thought we had something biscuit." Magnus says.
"Here's your food." The waitress says putting our food on the table.
I start eating, finding that this food is amazing!
"This is amazing!" I say with a mouthful.
"Told you." Magnus says.
"You were wrong this is better than Taki's." I say after another bite.
Magnus fake gasps and says, "Nothing will ever be better than Taki's."
We talk until we finish our food and then pay and leave. When we get back to the Institute I thank Magnus for the food and the awesome date. Maybe this game wasn't so bad.

Jace and Izzys date: Jace's POV

I take Izzy to this nice French restaurant downtown. She doesn't look happy to be here. "Bonsior Je M' Appale Richard." Good evening My name is Richard. The waiter says to us.
"I hope he doesn't speak French the whole time." Izzy says and looks around the restaurant. It's half outside with columns that hold up the outside roof. They are wrapped in vine leaves. On the inside is nice, polished wooden furniture. All the men are dressed in suits and ties, including me, and all the woman are dressed in fancy dresses.
"This is a nice restaurant." Izzy admits.
"I try." I say straining my tie. The waiter leads us to a booth in the back and asks us what we want to drink.
"Red wine for both of us." I say and the waiter goes to get it.
"Oh Jace, red wine, fancy." Izzy says, looking at the menu.
"What would you like to eat, Madame." He asks me
"Shrimp pasta please." Izzy says to him.
"I'll have fried ham with a croissant." I say and hand the menus to him.
"You do have class Jace Herondale." Izzy says, looking around again.
"I know, it's my specialty." I say.
She rolls her eyes at me, and we talk a little more until our food comes.
"This is pretty good!" Izzys says.
"Mine too." I say.
The waiter comes over with the bill and I almost spit out my food $137 for 2 plates of food.
"Let's never come here again." I say as we leave.
"I didn't have to pay, so let's come here again." She says.

Alec and Simons...outing: Simons POV

"Where do you want to go?" I ask Alec as we drive downtown.
"Taki's?" He asks
I drive to Taki's and tell Kaelie the usual.
We talk while she comes up with our order.
"This is awkward." I say almost whispering.
"Let's never play this game again." Alec says , and we both laugh.
"Here's your food." Kaelie says and heads back to the kitchen. We eat in silence and the bill comes.
"I got it, hon." I say putting emphasis on Hun.
Alec chuckles and then we leave to go back to the institute.
"No more of that game." I say to the others, who are already back.
Clary yawns and grabs Jace's hand, going up to their room. I head up to Izzy's room and plop down on the bed. Wow that was a pretty fun game.

Hey guys I have been writing this on and off for days! Sorry love you all!

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