Lazy/Movie Day

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Hey guys sorry I couldn't think of anything. Hope you like it! Should Casey keep being in the stories?

Clary's POV

"Lazy day, lazy day!" I hear Izzy shout.
"I'm not leaving the house all day!" She sings.
"Ohhhhh!" I scream,
"I'm joining!" I say.
Jace, who's laying next to me, says,
"By the angel, you guys are loud!"
"Lazy day!" Me and Izzy scream in his face.
He groans and puts a pillow over his head to muffle the sound.
"Alright let's go watch movies!" Izzy squealed.
"Okay!" I say and head over to her room.
"Purge?" She suggests.
"Hunger games?"
"No, we've seen it too many times."
"The Fault in Our Stars?"
"I don't wanna cry."
"Enders game?"
"By the angel Clary! Pick one already." She says.
"Alright, alright. What about Grown Ups?" I offer.
"Okay." She mumbles.
"But next time I'm picking." After the movie Izzy and I go down to the kitchen for some food.
We look through the cupboards, but come up with nothing. "
Where is all the junk food?" I ask.
"I bet the boys took it!" Izzy shouts and runs out of the room.
We find Jace, Alec, and Magnus in Alec's room watching a horror movie. Eating all the food! Izzy clears her throat to get their attention.
"Can I help you." Jace says sarcastically.
"You guys took all of the junk food!" Izzy shouts.
"So?" Alec says.
"So, give some of it to us!" I say.
"Yeah your not going to eat 6 bags of chips and 4 pints of ice cream." Izzy adds.
Jace smirks, his famous, very attractive smirk and says,
"We are too." On the tv someone screams, startling us all.
Izzy, the first one to recover, grabs the chips out of Jace's hand and starts running. I grab the ice cream and Pringles and sprint out the door. I can hear the boys running after us. I sprint back to Izzy's room and she puts a locking rune on the door, so the boys can't come in.
"C'mon guys we wanna join too." Jace whines from the door.
"If we can have some of the food." Izzy says back.
We hear the boys talk for a minute and then say,
"Fine." Izzy opens the door and let's the guys in.
They lay on the floor and look through some movies.
"Let's watch something scary!" Jace says.
"I don't know..." I start, knowing I'll be scared.
"Awwww c'mon Clary," Jace says.
"I'll protect you if you get scared." He says.
We all laugh as Magnus puts in the movie. It was so scary! Every time something scary happened, Izzy and I screamed like little girls. By the end of the movie I was latching onto Jace.
" I should get you to watch scary movies more often." He says, and winks.
I just laugh and get up.
"I'm going to get some more movies from my room."
I say. I pick up some movies and am walking back to Izzy's room when someone shouts, "BOO" I scream and start running the opposite way, realizing after a while, it was Jace who scared me.
"Jace your so mean!" I scream.
He chuckles and walks over to where he scared me, picking up the movies I dropped. We walk back to Izzy's room laughing at how scared I was.
"Ohhhh!!" Izzy screams.
"Let's watch White Chicks!"
"I love that movie." Magnus says and claps his hands excitedly.
"I've never seen it." I say, looking at the back of the case.
"We have to watch it!" Izzy says.
"That was hilarious!" I say laughing.
"I love when that guy is singing to that branch song." Izzy laughs.
Sorry I've never actually seen this movie. Just heard it was funny and asked my friend her favorite part.
"It was pretty funny." Jace admits.
"Well what now?" I ask
"Wanna play a game?" Alec suggests. We all agree.
"Let's play twister." Jace says.
"I'm great at that game." I won twister every time, because I'm the smallest.
"Okay, since we can't beat Clary, she is the spinner." Magnus says.
"Okay left hand red." I say.
I keep going until they are all twisted up in each other so bad I think they might be stuck like that. I laugh as they try to get untangled.
"Let me help." I say as I push them over, laughing.
"That's payback since Jace scared me." I said between laughs.
I help get them all untangled and we play a simple game of Yahtzee. Jace wins the first time. And Izzy, the second.
"Best two out of three." She says to Jace.
"Alright." After a long and intense game, I add up the score and announce,
"Izzy wins." She squeals and dances around Jace laughing.
"Isabelle Lightwood beat Jace Herondale." She shouts.
He mumbles something that I don't hear.
"Izzy's better then Jace, Izzy's better than Jace." She taunts
"Alright." He shouts
" I get it." She keeps chanting, only stopping to say,
"Just say I'm better at everything and that your a loser." She says.
"I'm better at everything and your a loser." Jace says, and collapses with laughter.
After we all calm down Izzy scowls,
"You know that's not what I meant." She says.
"Yes, but it shut you up." He says and chuckles.
Before they get into a real argument I say,
"Let's go watch another movie." We head back to Izzy's room and pick out an old chick flick.
The boys groan but don't say anything. We all lie down and watch the movie, but I don't see more then 10 minutes, because I fall asleep.

Hey guys! I'm sure a lot of you don't read these but this one is important. I live in USA so my time zone might be different than yours if you live in Sweden or something sorry if it's like 4 am there I write better when it's midnight or 1 am so😂 but thanks for all the reads!

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