Video Game Obsessions, And Clave Meetings.

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while! Enjoy...

Jace's POV

"What will you do while I'm gone?" I ask Clary, pulling a gym bag out of our closet.

"Finish that dang video game." She says.

Ever since we got an x-box for the institute, Clary and Izzy have gone video game crazy, and bought about 20 games. All they do is sit in the library and play until someone tells them we have an attack, or that we made food.

"Your addicted." I say, and she snorts at me.

"I can stop anytime." She says,  scrunching her nose.

"Sure." I mumble, stuffing clothes in the bag.

"Just wait, by the time you get back from Idris I will be bored of the games." She says.

"Plus it's good exercise." She adds.

"It's only good exercise if you use the Kinect babe." I say, walking to the bathroom. She trails behind me, still arguing.

"When are you leaving?" She asks me, grabbing the bag.

"4" I say.

She looks at the clock and sighs, 3:49.

"I still don't get why you get to go to the clave meeting and I don't." She grumbles.

"We need someone to stay here." I say, leaning down to kiss her forehead. She tilts her head up, me hitting her lips instead. Not that I'm complaining.   She drops the bag and I deepen the kiss, but someone knocks on the door.

I groan and pull away, going to the door. Alec is standing there with his bag.

"Ready?" He asks, and I nod grabbing the bag from the floor.

I kiss clary one last time, and we walk out the Institute doors, and step through the portal.


Clary's POV

As soon as Jace steps thought the portal I run upstairs and run to Izzy's room.

"Ready?" I ask her, and she nods. We walk down to the library and turn on the x-box. While it says up she goes and grabs blankets, and I go and grab food. We might be in here a while. The games we just finished were Donkey Kong, and Crash Bandicoot. Yes, they are old games but they're super fun. We are now almost to the end of Rayman Origins. We like Grand Theft Auto too, but we just ride abound and hit people with cars.

"You cheated." Izzy shouts, looking at the screen.

"No I'm just better than you." I laugh, looking at her expression.

"It's not my fault I haven't played video games before, you could at least take it easy on me." She says

"Never." I say, fake glaring at her.

We put in a new game and wait for it to load up.

Izzy and I play until it's late, and we can't look at the screen any longer.

"Let's go back to your room." I say yawning.

She nods and we make our way upstairs. I suggest watching a movie, but we both know that we will fall asleep before it even turns on.

I curled up in her bed and fell strait asleep.


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