Bestfriend Day

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This is a little more of the Shadowhunter crew. Kat (Clary), Dom (Jace), Alberto (Simon), Isaiah (Luke).

Clary's POV

"Do you really have to go?" I ask as Jace, as Alec steps through the portal.
"You know I do Clary." He said, pulling me into a hug.
"I'll be back in 2 days." He adds as I wrap my arms around his neck.
"Why can't I go?" I ask, for the millionth time.
"Your not eighteen." He answers.
"I can still go! I've been to Idris before Jace!" I point out.
"We'll be back in 2 days, hang out with Simon or something."
"Jace!" I hear behind us.
"We have to go." Mayris shouts.
"I'll be back soon." Jace says before walking over to the portal.
The stupid Clave had to have Jace there and not me! I mean I was a big part of the war. Just because I'm not eighteen doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to go! I wave as they all step through the portal and head back over to my mom and Luke's place.
"Mom I'm home!" I shout as I walk in the door.
"Oh, Clary, honey we missed you! You need to come around more often." She says as she pulls me into a hug.
"I know, I know." I say and smile.
"I'm going to call Simon and see if he can hang out here, is that okay?" I ask.
"Of course!" My mom replies.
"You two haven't hung out, just you two, for months!"
I call Simon and ask him to come over. In about 15 minutes he's knocking on my door.
"Hey!" He says, walking through the door and to my old bedroom.
He plops down on the bed and pulls out a few copies of magna from his backpack.
"They just got these in at the store! I thought since we were having a 'bestfriend day' that we could read them!" He exclaims.
"Oh, cool." I say, grabbing one from him and lying down on the bed. He opens one and lies sown next to me.
Mom comes in a little later and tells us she ordered pizza, and it would be here in about a half and hour. We continue reading magna. Mom pays the guy and hands us the pizza.
"Luke and I are going out for dinner." My mom tells us.
"We'll be back in a few hours." Luke says and walks out the door.
"Movie?" I ask Simon after we eat the pizza.
"Board game?"
"Think of something, Simon!"
"Pandemonium?" He asks me.
"No way!"
"More magna?" He asks
"Sure." I mumble, not thinking of anything more fun.
After a few minutes I throw the book down and grab my phone from he table near my bed.
I play some music on spotify. Marvin Gaye by: Charlie Puth and Meghan Trainor comes on. I start dancing and singing the words as loud as I can. Simon laughs and joins in dancing, and trying to sing but not knowing all the words.
After a few minutes we collapse on the bed, breathing heavily.
"That was fun!" Simon laughed after he caught his breath.
I nod my head and walk to the kitchen to get some water. When I come back in Simon is sitting on the floor with some board games out.
"Sequence, Monopoly, Life, Sorry, or Yahtzee?" He asks.
"Sorry!" I say and sit across from him on the floor.
He pulls out the game and sets it up.
"What color do you want to be?" He asks me.
I pick up a two and move one of my pieces. Simon picks a 12 and stays. After a few turns I have all of my pieces out and Simon only has 1 out.
I end up winning and Simon says, "Lets play Sequence."
I always lose at Sequence, that's probably why he wants to play.
"What color?" He asks me when the game is set up.
"Blue again." I said.
He won, obviously. I stink at that game.
"Wanna play another?" I ask
"Sure." He yawns.
"Okay, Life." I say and he nods.
We set up the board and picked our cars. Mine was blue. We both picked college and I got the doctor job! There's no way I'm losing. Simon gets a teacher.
After a few turns Simon had to get another car, because he landed on every have a baby space there is. I land on win the lottery and get 500,000. Then Simon lands on a space that say he has to pay 40,000 for each kid, and he has 7.
Poor Simon lost very bad and had -5,000 while I had 1,340,680.
"I crushed you!" I said.
"Yeah, yeah, Fray. I had 7 babies." He laughs
I yawn and go lie down on my bed. He lays down next to me.
"Goodnight Fray, I had a good day." Simon says
"Night Simon." I whisper before falling asleep.
The next morning when we wake up we head over to Java Jones and get some coffee.
"Hi." I hear a deep voice say to me.
I look at the voice and see a boy with green eyes and blond hair.
"I'm Chase." He says and puts his hand out.
"Clary." I say back.
We talk for a minute and he asks me out.
"Sorry, I have a boyfriend." I state, just as Simon walks back with our coffee.
"This guy?" Chase said, surprised.
"No, me." Says a voice behind me.
"Jace!" I scream like a little girl, and jump in his arms.
"I thought you weren't getting back till tomorrow!" I said in to his neck.
"The problem was much easier to solve than they thought, so we came back early."
"I'm glad your back." I say.
"I'm glad I'm back too."
"I'm sorry to break this up but...I'm here too!" Simon says.
"Hey rat boy." Jace says
"I'm going to find Isabelle." Simon said and walked out.
"What did you guys do while I was gone?" Jace asked.
"We had a bestfriend day." I said and smiled

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