We Travel To London

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Just before the start I have always wanted to live in England, but I might not get everything about it right. Please feel free to correct me. Clary's mom lives in England now. Also if you don't know who Dan and Phil are they are British youtubers. They are also the picture above so you can imagine them.

Clary's POV

"Jace get your butt out of bed! The plane leaves in 4 hours." I shout from the bathroom and go to wake the others.

I finally get to see my mom. It's been about a year since I've seen her, and I've never been to her London house. But since my mom insisted that I come, everyone else decided to take it as a vacation. Which is great because I'd get lost if I were alone.

I bang on Alec's door and move on to Izzy's. They both come out with messy hair, disoriented.

"England!" Izzy says, waking up faster than I knew possible. She runs act in her room and starts getting ready.

I go back to my room and make sure Jace is awake. Of course, he's not.

"Jace." I say in a serious tone, poking his face.


"Wake up."



"Clary." He says, but it's muffled by the pillow.

He sits up slowly and stretches out. Then he runs a hand through his hair slowly.

"Ready." He says.

I give him a look and head to the bathroom, straitening my messy hair. Jace comes in and hugs me from behind.

"Tell me again why we have to get up four hours early." He says.

"Because we have to be at the airport at least 2 hours early." I explain, as he rests his head on my shoulder, taking a deep breath.

I continue to straiten my hair with Jace's arms around me. When I'm done I turn around in his arms and rest my head on his chest.

"I love you." I say into his shirt.

"I love you too." He days kissing the top of my head.

He yawns and runs back in the bedroom, flopping back on the bed.

"What time is it?" I ask him.

"4:57 am" he says.

"We have to leave in 10 minutes." I say, putting on jeans and a t-shirt.

Jace gets back up and puts on sweatpants and a t-shirt. He grabs both of our bags, and I grab our carry ons.

Izzy and Simon are waiting at the door for us. Alec and Magnus come soon after, with more bags than the rest of us combined.

"Why so many bags?" I ask and Alec just sighs,  giving Magnus a look to explain.

"Well one bag is for my glitter, one is my carry on, one has all the clothes I need, and that one is Alec's." He says, pointing to the smallest bag of the bunch.

Who needs that many bags?

We all pile out of the Institute. We hail a few cabs and put all of our stuff in. The airport is only a 15 minute walk, but walking with all those bags in New York is just like begging to get robbed.

Jace, Izzy, and I get in one cab and Alec, Magnus, an Simon in the other. We pull into the airport a few minutes later and go through security.

We find seats where our terminal is and I lay my head on Jace's shoulder, pulling out my phone.

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