Clace Proposal

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Everyone pictures Clary and Jace's proposal different, keep that in mind. Enjoy!!

Third Person POV

Jace's heart was pounding, Am I supposed to be this nervous? He asks himself warily.

Alec nodded his head from where he was next to Jace, "Yeah, you're supposed to be this nervous." He says, leaning down on the glass counters and staring down at the rows upon rows of rings. They all sparkled under the bright lights of the fancy jewelry store.

"Jace, you've been staring at the rings for 20 minutes, just ask to see one." Alec says.

"You don't understand Alec," Jace says, staring down at all the rings. "I want to give Clary the best ring, not just a great one, but an amazing one."

Just thinking about Clary sent Jace's heart into an erratic beat. "What if she says no?" Jace asks suddenly. Although irrational, it could always happen.

"Jace. You and Clary are in love, big time," Alec mentions, "she's not going to say no."

Jace examined every ring he thought Clary would love. None of these are good enough for her, Jace thinks to himself.

Jace loved Clary more than anything, and he couldn't walk out of there with just any ring.

Him and Alec searched every ring twice, and finally Alec persuaded Jace to narrow it down to three.

"Let's search again?" Jace suggests because he couldn't pick out of the three.

One of the rings was an emerald cut, with small diamonds surrounding the silver ring. Jace shook his head at that one, so they had it down to two.

Jace contemplated for a long time, staring for a while until Jace had chosen one.

"What a nice choice." The man behind the counter had said. Jace just rolled his eyes because the man was just trying to make money.

The ring he chose was a round cut, it had tiny diamonds all around it, with two blue flecks on the side. There was one bigger diamond on the middle. It really was a spectacular ring.

"I think you chose good." Alec mentions as the cashier puts the ring in the small box. Jace's heart beat only picked up speed. He couldn't shake off his nervousness.

The man handed Jace the box and he slipped it into his pocket, running his hands over the smooth velvet. As him and Alec walked back he tried to imagine what he was going to say. He had so much he could tell her.

He hoped in reality he wouldn't be a nervous wreck.

Back in the Institute Clary and Isabelle were lounging around, not really doing anything. Isabelle kept smiling and glancing at Clary, but Clary figured she was just in one of her weird moods. It's Isabelle, Clary thinks, Just roll with it.

"Don't you and Jace have a date tonight?" Isabelle asks, looking up from her phone.

"Yeah, he didn't tell me where though." Clary says, not worried about where Jace was taking her because they went on different dates all the time.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready?" Isabelle asks, staring at Clary's Brooklynn t-shirt and jeans.

"I am ready," Clary retorts, "he said we weren't going anywhere fancy."

"It's better to be overdressed than underdressed." Isabelle says as she pulls Clary into the room.

"Speaking of dresses..." Isabelle mumbles to herself and starts pulling various things out of Clary's closet while mumbling things to herself. According to Isabelle there was an exact science when it came to clothes, and she had mastered it.

After bickering about whether Clary was going to wear a dress or not, Isabelle and Clary decided that a nice sweater and pants would do.

"Now we just have to wait!" Isabelle says excitedly and Clary gave her a look.

"You're being weird," she says, "we're just going on a date." Clary sits on the bed and Isabelle throws herself in the chair.

"Right, right of course it's just a date, but I'm just so excited!" Izzy says, sitting up straight and smiling at Clary.

Her and Clary talked until Jace got back. They went downstairs to the library to greet him and Alec. Jace looked just slightly off color.

"We don't have to go today." Clary says, sticking her cold hands on his forehead, "we can go another time if you don't feel good." She smiles at him reassuringly.

"No no, it's fine!" Jace says, taking her hands and holding them. He smiled at her for a minute and Izzy bounced on the balls of her feet.

"Oooookay...." she says and smiles as they walk out of the Institute. She held his hand and looked around where they were going. They were in Central Park just wandering, but she was sure Jace had something planned.

"So what are we doing?" Clary asks, looking around at the various flowers and people milling around. This was one of the best spots in the park, because there was so much to see.

"Up to that bridge." Jace points out a small wooden bridge over the sparkling blue water. Clary nodded and looked around, having no idea that Jace even wanted to get engaged.

Jace led her up to the small bridge that was very tranquil. The sun was almost setting and the breeze was light and warm. Jace held the velvet box in his pocket and took a long breath.

Clary was staring out at the water when Jace got on one knee. She looked over at him, her mind not registering what was happening.

Jace opened up the box to reveal the beautiful ring inside. Clary stared at him and started crying before he got to say anything.

"I love you Clary, and I want to be with you for as long as I live." He says and Clary puts her hand out and tried to wipe the tears but they just kept flowing. As soon as Jace stood up Clary tackled him in a warm embrace.

"I love you." She says, wiping her eyes on his shoulder and taking a deep breath to recollect herself.

"I love you too." He smiles, holding her hand and continuing their walk through the park. It was the perfect place for Clary, and she wouldn't want it any other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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