Another Date Swap

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Hey guys! Thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments I get, it's all super inspiring! How's school going for you all? Good? Bad? Enjoy...

Clary's POV

"You know, maybe we should do another date swap." I say to everyone, since we were all hanging out in the warm, cozy library.

"Yeah!" Izzy exclaims, going to retrieve the worn out hat and put our names on paper.

The boys were complaining but I hushed them, "It'll be fun." I say as Izzy comes back.

"I'll pick first."  I say, grabbing a piece of the lined paper from the hat and looking at it.

"Alec." I say, sitting down next to him. He smiled at me and we waited for the others to go.

"Me next..." Jace says, reaching in the hat and pulling a name out.

"Magnus." Jace says, sitting in the dark armchair across from Magnus.

"Oh I have a perfect date for us, darling!" Magnus says, half-sarcastic, and claps his hands.

"That leaves Izzy and Simon." I say, looking at them.

They both shrugged, since they were together anyways and go on dates all the time.

"Okay, well let's go now!" Magnus says, snapping. Jace and him disappeared, leaving a spark of blue and us to wonder where they went.

---Jace's POV---

"Where even are we?" I ask Magnus. I wasn't upset, because wherever we were it had a really nice view. The bright blue ocean was clear and see-through, it crashed against the silky sand in waves. There were people walking along, stopping momentarily to pick up shells that shined in the sun.

"Bora Bora!" Magnus says, "One of the few foreign places I haven't been kicked out of!"

"Well it's nice." Jace says, walking in a small restaurant that was kind of like a shack, it was brown and had a nice island-feel to it. We both sat down and a dark complected lady came over to get us drinks. She spoke good English, so we didn't have much of a problem understanding her.

I looked out the window to meet the clear blue sky. The sun was beating down and leaving a rippled reflection in the ocean.

"Clary would like it here a lot." I says, knowing she likes tropical things.

"You mustn't talk about your girlfriend on our date." Magnus jokes as the waitress comes back.

Magnus gets chicken, but insists that it is baked slowly over a fire with minimal seasoning and fresh onions picked from a special place on the coast.

"He'll just have whatever chicken you have." I sigh, handing the lady the worn menus.

I get baked flounder, since that was what the waitress had recommended. We wait for our food and talk while watching the bright, outside world.

Once our food comes we eat in mostly silence, the whole date wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be, but it still just felt strange.

We both paid for our separate meals and left the little shack. All this felt a little weird, but it was nice anyways. Magnus and I walked around, looking at the beautiful, tropical beach up close.

It started getting later, so I snapped a picture of all the beauty with my phone so I could show Clary later.

---Alec's POV---

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