Girls V.S boys

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Isabelle's POV

Yes! It's game night and Simon, Magnus, Maia, and Jordan are coming over (the rest of us live at the Institute). Tonight we are playing boys V.S girls and the winners get whatever they want for a day. I'm prepared to win!

"Clary, Jace come down here people will be here soon." I yell.

"We're coming, we're coming." I hear Clary say.

When everyone gets here I announce that whoever wins the most games gets whatever they want tomorrow.

"But it's 5 against 3" Clary says.

"Magnus is a girl for tonight." I say, and Magnus cheers!

"What should we play first?" Alec says.

"Guesstures?" Miah suggests, and we
all agree.

(Guesstures is a charade game in case you didn't know).

"Okay girls go first." I state.

We all tell Clary to go up and act out the words for us. We get 3 out of four guessing, wheel chair, lipstick, and laugh right, and not getting toilet. Then the boys play. They end up getting 1 right and the rest wrong. By the end of the game the boys had 6 points and the girls had 27.

"Boom!" I screamed

"One win for the girls."

"But the games aren't over yet." Jace says picking up a deck of cards.

"I want to play spoons" he said.

"Okay!" Alec said sitting down at the coffee table.

"Isabelle go get 7 spoons from the kitchen please." Clary said.
For those of you who have never heard of the game: they have 8 players so they need 7 spoons you pass the cards around until one person gets 4 of the same card. The person who gets 4 of the same card grabs a spoon off the table, when everyone else notices that the a person took a spoon they can grab a spoon. If someone grabs a spoon before anyone has 4 of a kind they are out. The person without a spoon at the end of the round is out and then you play until there is only 1 person left, the winner.
I get the spoons from the kitchen and we start playing. After about 3 minutes, Jace snatches a spoon from the table, after we all notice we start grabbing the spoons too. The only person without a spoon is Jordan.

"Dang." He says and walks over to the couch. We play again and again until there is only 2 more people, Maia and Jace.

"Go Maia" Clary and I shout.

After a few intense moments of playing Jace snatches a spoon and shouts "BOYS WIN."

"Alright alright" Clary says.

"Boys have one once and girls have one once."

"While the cards are out" Maia says,

"We should play polish rummy!"

"I love that game!" I say

"Okay then let's play" Jace agrees.

"I'll explain the rules to Alec and Jordan" Clary says while I shuffle the deck.

"Okay, but hurry up, I wanna play!" Simon says.

After I explain the rules, we start playing. After we played 10 rounds and added up all the points we came up with Girls:80 Boys:140 the lowest score wins if you have never played

"Girls win again!" Maia shouts. We play a few more games and play around and by the end of the night girls have won 3 games and boys have one 2.

We all scream and dance around the living room, excited. The boys complain and groan, but they lost, and they have to do whatever we want tomorrow.

-------The next morning---------

Clary's POV

We won! Jace has to do whatever I say today, this will be great.

"Jace," I say softly trying to wake him up.

"Mmmf" He replies, half awake.

"I think you should make me pancakes." I say.

"Why? You have two legs." He replies, jokingly.

"Because you have to do whatever I say." I laugh.

"Uggghhh, I'll be back with your pancakes." He complains.

10 minutes later Jace comes in with a good looking stack of pancakes with butter and orange juice on the side.
"Thank you, Mr. Herondale, that will be all." I say and scoot over on the bed so he can sit down.

Then Isabelle walks in, sounding excited. "Clary! We need to go shopping today and have the boys carry all of our bags!" She says, excited.

I used to not like going shopping, but I think Isabelle has rubbed off on me.
"Great idea!" I say and hurry to get ready.

In about 10 minutes Me, Jace, Isabelle, and Simon haul a cab and get in.

"The mall please." I say to the driver, and he takes off, heading for the mall. When we get out Jace pays the driver and we walk into the mall.

Me and Izzy take off for the shops, the boys trailing behind us. After about 3 hours of shopping the boys are carrying about 30 bags each and we haven't covered half of the mall!

"Are we almost done?" Simon complained, looking bored.

"We've been her for 3 hours." Jace added.

"Too bad, you guys lost the bet." Isabelle said.

While we were walking mundanes were taking pictures of the boys, who were carrying tons of bags. After we were done shopping we took all our clothes back to the Institute and went out for ice cream.

Alec's POV

Magnus and I went shopping and got glitter today, since he lost the bet. Ha! Then we went back to my place and he did my hair and told me we had to go out to dinner.

So now I'm the glittery boyfriend. I look at myself in the mirror before we leave and see Magnus has spiked up my hair and threaded glitter through it. I groan, this draws a lot of attention to me. I don't like it.

"Ready?" Magnus says.

"I guess so." I say as we walk out of the house. The date was very good though, other than all the mundanes staring at me.

Jace's POV

Finally the girls decided to quit shopping! And then we got ice cream after, that was the only good part of the day. After the long day I lied down next to Clary and said, "By the angel, that was a long day" she laughed and went to sleep. And I did too.

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