The Party

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Authors note: I had one comment last time and it was bloodandguts so shout out to her/him. 

Jace's POV:

No No, No! Mayris is going to kill me. She's going to kill all of us. Me, Alec, Clary, Izzy, and Magnus try to clean up the Institute before she comes back for Izzy's birthday tomorrow.

"Jace the cleaning service said they can't come until 3 tomorrow"

Clary said with a sigh. "Tell them we'll pay them extra if they get here earlier."
Magnus says.

"I'll pay you extra... Yeah...okay, okay, thank you...bye." Clary says to the phone.

"They said that they are already booked solid and they don't care how much we pay." Clary said sounding disappointed.

"Then call someone else!" I yelled.

"It's not my fault you invited 200 people to the stupid party!" Clary yelled back and stormed out of the room.

I was going to go after her but the place was still a mess and I didn't have time to go and apologize. Around 3 in the morning we were all too tired to clean so we went to bed. But it still wasn't even close to being clean. There was still a hole in the wall that Magnus was too drained to fix. A few minutes later Clary comes in and lays down next to me.

"Clary, I'm sorry about yelling at you earlier, I just don't want to deal with Mayris tomorrow." I said but she just went to sleep. I guess she's not speaking to me? But I'm too tired to think about it.

I wake up to Mayris screaming and yelling at us to get down there. So we all trudge out of our rooms, even Magnus, who doesn't even have to be here. When we get down there Mayris explodes!

"By the angel what happened to this place!" She yells and yells and yells till she has to go get water, and then she yells some more! We all just sit there and take the punishment, not wanting to argue, because we deserved it. But then she says something that throws us all off guard

"You will clean the whole Institute spotless, with out any magic, Magnus, or any speed runes, and you cannot call anyone else to help you."

"Bu-" I start but Mayris cuts me off "

"No buts Jace, now get cleaning, ALL of you!"

Clary's POV:

Saying Mayris was mad was an understatement, she was out raged! She had to yell at us for at least an hour. And now we have to clean the whole Institute, without any help!

So Jace and I went to Home Depot and got drywall and plaster to fix the hole in the wall. When we got back everyone was eating lunch so we joined them.

"That party last night was crazy." Magnus said.

"Well it's your fault you brought the alcohol." Jace whispered, because Mayris was only a few feet away.

"It seemed like a good idea at the time." Magnus mumbled.

For the first time since last night I spoke to Jace,
"Well you were the one who invited all the people!"

"It's not a party if it only as 20 people Clary" He retorted.

I was already mad at him this just made it worse. Izzy, feeling the tension said

"Welllll, let's get back to cleaning."

Izzy's POV:

Ugh, we've been cleaning for hours! I'm sick of doing anything to do with cleaning. AND We have to repaint the library because there was a hole in the wall, do you know how big the library is? We shouldn't have had this party anyways, although it was fun.

We've been cleaning all day and we aren't even close to finishing the place.
"Mom is being ridiculous" I say to Alec.
"I know," he replies

"But there was no way she was letting us off the hook this place is a mess." "I know, but this is sooo boring." I complain.

"Magnus can't you do some magic while mom is in the kitchen?" I plead.

"No." Magnus says.

"Then she'll make us clean more."

"Ughhh" I groan.

"Guys come eat," I hear my mom say.

"I got Taki's." We all rush down, starving.

It looks like Clary and Jace are still mad at each other, but Clary actually talks to him if she has to, so I guess her anger went down a little. We eat in silence, mostly but once in a while someone starts up a conversation.

After about an hour we go back to cleaning. Around midnight we stop and head up to bed.

Clary's POV:

"Clary" I hear softly.

"Mhhhmg 5 more minutes" I say so Jace kisses my forehead and leaves saying

"I'll be back in a few."

"Okay," I mumble sleepily. In I don't know how long Jace comes back with breakfast. Pancakes, and coffee.

"Jace Herondale, you are the best boyfriend ever." I say

"I know" is all he says back and kisses me, and right then Izzy walks in.

"Woah guys, I did not need to see that!" Izzy says.

"Anyways, Jace, mom wants us to finish painting the library."

"Alright, we'll be down in a minute." Jace says.

When we get in the library Alec and Magnus were already painting. After about an hour we were halfway through and flicked some paint back by accident and hit me.

"Oh its on Herondale" I said and threw a handful of paint at Jace but he ducked so the paint hit Alec right in the face!

Alec looked mad and picked up the whole bucket and threw it on me, but he hit Izzy too. Magnus laughed so Izzy threw paint on him. At the end of the day they were all covered in paint, laughing.

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