Chapter One - Idiot!

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  • Dedicated to My Lovable and Supporting Sisters

Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

Ok first of all I want to say that I’m really excited! This is my first story that I’m posting up on Wattpad :). Anyways, I hope you guys like it, wait, first I hope I get some readers! Yikes now I’m nervous… but any who please, please, please let me know your thoughts so far and what you guys would like to see in my story. Thanks!

And now… on to the story!!

Chapter one:

Janessa’s POV…

It was the last week of school, so of course it was final’s week as well. Ugh… seriously? This week was totally killing me, and the fact that the school agreed to let the crew from the show 90210 film at our school was not helping me either.

For crying out loud, it was finals week… couldn’t they wait till the end of this week to film their stupid episode, could they not see that they were distracting the students. “Ugh whatever,” I thought to myself, “Janessa, you’re almost done with this week anyways,” it’s finally Wednesday.

One more final tomorrow and I would be done with my sophomore year at MSMC. What a relief, cause let me tell you that this semester, has been kind of tough since I recently switched my major from Biology to Psychology with a minor in art. Because of that, I had to start off with all the freshman classes even though I was a sophomore.

It was only ten in the morning and I was already burn out, I had my child and human development final today at 8:30 in the morning.

I was feeling tired so I started walking towards my dorm to take a nap, until I remembered that I should probably get some coffee to stay up and work on my final paper for my death and after life class. It was due tomorrow before midnight but I wanted to make sure I had it done way before that.

I guess you can say I was kind of a nerd like that.

I went to the café to get my coffee and as I was pouring the hott liquid into a cup, a felt a slap on my ass.I stopped pouring and turned around kind of pissed off cause that could have seriously made me burn ma self with the coffee.

When I turn around I see my friend Carol looking at me with a huge smirk on her face. “Hey Janessa,” she said. She always knew how to push my buttons, but I loved that girl either way. She’s stuck with me through a hell of a lot.

“Hey boyfriend,” I told her. Ok so here’s the thing, I’m not gay or anything, this is just a joke that Carol and I have. It all started in our intro to psych class.

We sit right next to each other so when we get bored with the lecture, we always start up a note to pass to each other or have a conversation while whispering to each other.

She totally tried to pinch my thigh one day in class and I moved out of the way telling her, “that’s not for you, that’s boyfriend territory,” while laughing my little butt off.

 Seeing as its Carol we’re talking about, she smiled and said, “I guess that makes me your boyfriend.” We both started laughing and it’s been a joke of ours ever since.

“So Ollie, how was the final you had this morning?” Ollie was short of Olivia which was my middle name, my full name being Janessa Olivia Castillo. Carol is the only one who can get away with calling me Ollie, anyone else and I’d pumble their face to the floor.

“I think I did pretty well, most of the questions she used were from the previous tests and quizzes we had,” I paused before whispering, “I hope I did well…” more to myself than to her but she totally caught onto that and gave me a hug.

“I’m sure you did great kiddo, be confident ok?” I gave her a small nod and smiled at her. This was a routine for us, she’d always tell me I did great at something whenever I wasn’t sure about it or was feeling little bit nervous.

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