Chapter Two - Surprise

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Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

Hi Everyone! I was finally able to upload the next chapter of Strange Fate...

Woot Woot! :D Anyways thanks for giving my story a chance and please comment and vote if you like what you're reading. And if you want to see some changes please comment as well. Thanks a ton <3

And now here's…

Chapter Two

Janessa’s POV…

I was sitting in front of a laughing Carol in our school’s café. I had just finished telling her about my little encounter with the rude, yet handsome, guy from this morning. She started laughing when I told her that I had kicked him in the shin and called him an idiot.

She finally calmed down enough to give me a smile and say “that’s my girl!”

I smiled, “yeah, well your girl might get sued for kicking him…”Carol just started laughing even more. “You would be worried about that! But hey, I really doubt coffee guy is going to go through all the trouble of suing a college student, I mean, he probably knows how most college students are hella broke.”

Carol had unofficially named the guy from this morning as coffee guy. She smiled at me, “ok enough with all the worried face, so… coffee guy was cute?”

I looked down at the curly fries sitting on my plate. “He was kinda cute,” I said while looking up at her. She had a huge grin on her face. “What?!” I asked.

“You think he’s hot!”

“What? No!... No I don’t!” I said. I could totally feel the heat rising in my face, indicating that I was blushing. I looked down trying to cover it with my hair, but Carol saw it anyways.

“If you didn’t think he was hot, then you wouldn’t be blushing,” she said in a matter as fact tone. I looked up and glared at her.

She gave me an innocent smile, “hey, it’s not like I’m telling you to marry the guy. He sounds like a handful anyways. All I’m saying is,” her smiled grew into a smirk, “that it’s ok to think he’s a hot… jerk, am I right?” I just nodded and started munching on my curly fries while she finished up her chicken stir fried.

By the time we finished our food and she finished editing my essay, it was already 9:40pm. I had to review for my last final of the semester, so I had to get my butt to my dorm. “Alrighty Carol, imma head back to my room so I can get some reviewing done before I go to sleep.”

She turned to look at me and gave me a hug, “alright Janessa, imma go have a smoke before I get back to studying.” I scrunched up my nose as she finished telling me. Carol knew I hated cigarettes and especially hated the smell of their smoke. I mean come on, they’re basically cancer sticks.

“For every cigarette you smoke, that’s six less minutes I get to spend with you.” She laughed at me and turned to leave, but not before saying, “can you be any more dramatic?”

I smiled and called after her, “you know I’m right!” and with that I headed to my room for some studying.

Ash’s POV…

I parked my white Mitsubishi Lancer, one of my favorite cars, and got out. The scene at the lot was a bit calmer than usual; then again, I never really come down during the week. There’s really no racing going on unless it’s the weekend. People just gathered around the lot to talk cars and meet the drivers, waiting for the weekend to finally get here.

“Hey man!”

I turned to see Liam calling me over. “Doode, I thought you were on a date with Jessica. Did you finally decide on bringing her along?” he asked while looking over my shoulder. I shook my head, “Nah. You know I don’t bring anyone who can’t keep up with me.” Liam Laughed, he knew I didn’t bring any girls here, period.

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