Chapter Seven - The Party

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Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

Hey guys, I finally finished this chapter! Yay! Lol anyways… so I got a new idea for a story and I have some notes written down for it, but I don’t know when exactly I’m going to write it up or post it up. Anyways, if you’ve kept up with my story so far thanks so much :D and don’t forget to vote, fan and comment <3

Chapter Seven

Janessa’s POV…

As we walked in, I swear it was like Ash was a freaken celebrity. Everyone and I mean everyone in the house acknowledged the fact that he’d arrived. He smiled and said a few heys, but never stopped walking.

There were a lot of people at this party. I kind of felt claustrophobic walking through the living room  and was scared that I’d lose Ash on our through, I guess he felt like I’d get lost too so he grabbed my hand and lead me to the kitchen.

Why did I get a tingly sensation on my hand when Ash was holding it? I blame it on the fact that I was nervous, yeah that’s totally it, makes perfect sense.

When we finally made it out of the crowd at people and into the kitchen, I saw that Ash’s friend was there, what was his name... Liam, I think.

There were a couple of other guys there; they weren’t all as cute as Ash and Liam, but they were good looking nonetheless.

“Who’s the kid?” one of the shorter guys asked.

I glared at him. I was not a kid; I bet I was more mature than that bone head. Ok I have to admit that wasn’t so mature but whatever, that was my internal thought. I didn’t say it out loud.

Liam looked at me and chuckled. This made me blush a bit, sheesh Janessa, way to keep your cool here.

“And she blushes,” stated a different guy. “Hey Ash, your girls don’t usually blush. They’re usually too busy throwing themselves at you.” he laughed a bit, “She’s not sexy… but kinda cute.Definitely not your type thought”

Ok seriously? Did I really have to stand here and listen to this. God… I know that I’m not Ash’s type, far from it in fact. But this isn’t even a date, I was only here cause I was repaying Ash nothing else. I wanted to tell him to shut up. I knew all this; I didn’t have to be reminded.

But before I could tell them to shut it, Ash said for me.

“Shut up,” he said with authority, and with that the tall guy went silent.

Liam spoke next, “sorry about him, just ignore him, all the other girls do.” And with that the rest of the guys laughed. Well that’s one way to avoid awkwardness.

Ash introduced me to the guys and apparently the jerk off’s name was Brian, he apologized for being rude but I still didn’t like him very much. The rest of the guys were Tony, Blake, Gabriel and Michael. The guys were all pretty nice; I talked to them for a while. They kept offering me drinks but I denied them every time. 

Michael was definitely I flirt, I could tell right off the bat. I guess Ash knew this too cause he placed his hand on the small of my back, if it was anyone else I would have taken it off, but somehow with Ash it felt…safe.

I was still a bit shy, even though we had been mingling with a few people.

“Ash, Jessica’s here.” Liam nodded towards the living room.

I turned to look at who they were talking about. There stood a girl in a skimpy leopard pattern dress that barely even covered any of her body. I had to admit thought, that Jessica girl was pretty.

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