Chapter Sixteen -- Vegas Bound

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Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

I sighed for the millionth time while on the phone with my father. "And you better make sure that they really are grounded, but make sure they're okay first. Ah!... What am I saying, you're all grounded! Wait I'm only kidding. You're not grounded Janessa, but the boys are. Straight to school and straight back home."

I scratched my forehead, "dad..."

"Okay maybe not. I don't know what to do."

"Dad, it's okay. We've got this, and no one was hurt so please just stop all this word vomit."

"I should come home. I knew leaving you guys alone was a risky move."

"Dad! Stop it! You know you can't just up and leave work and you also know that we're capable of handling things on our own. What happened three weeks ago...It was an accident okay. We're fine. Kevin and Logan are fine. I'm fine. Hell...Even Frankie's fine."

"I'm sorry Janessa, you shouldn't have all this responsibility on your shoulders."

I knew this was really hard for my father to understand, but we really were fine. I knew he worried like crazy but he needed to stay at his job and keep his head up. One day, we’d be well off; enough so that we could all be a family again.

"Dad, please don't start... Just stop worrying. I've smacked some sense into the boys and we're all okay."

"But..." I heard some background conversation through the phone, and for once I was glad that my father had to cut the conversation short. "I have to go Janessa, but promise me that you're going to call me right away if anything else happens..."

"I will dad. Stop worrying"

"Alright then. Take care and I love you guys."

"We do too dad. Be safe." Click.

I turned to face Frankie, "that was the most painful conversation I've ever had to endure!" I put my face in my hands and shake my head. My dad could be just as lost as a child sometimes.

"I can tell. So your dad was ready to pack his bags and come to rescue his babies?"

I punched him in the arm, "it's not funny! He can't just drop everything and leave work."

"I know! I'm just joking. Maybe I should call him back and tell him how abusive you are!" Just as I was about to smack him, Ash walked in.


Before I could even say hello to him, Logan tackled Ash down with a "Hi."

Just as always, poor Ash is getting thrown in the floor by one of my brothers. Hell, sometimes even Frankie greets him like that too.

It's such a weird thing to see, all of my boys be so close to each other. Even Ash? I smile at that, because even Ash was one of my boys now.

It was so weird to think of him as part of our small, misplaced family. But that was exactly what he was. On the days he'd bring Liam around, things were still normal. He never changed with us, and for that I was grateful.

"Earth to Nessa! Anyone in there?" I snapped out of my little daze as Ash knocked on my forehead.

"Owww! Stop that!"

"Well he wouldn't have to knock on that pretty little forehead of yours if you would just quit spacing out on us." Chuckled Frankie.

I pouted and stomped my foot. Yes I know I was acting like a child, but I was the only girl among four guys. Four really big guys! Who, may I add, always teased me and treated me like I was the child. It was really strange to see them treating me more and more like the little sister ever since Ash came along. Don’t get me wrong, it feels nice to be spoiled once in a while, but it still felt strange to me.

"Awww... Is little Nessa having a fit?" Started Logan.

"Logan, I think little Nessa needs a nap." Continued Kevin.

I narrowed my eyes at both my brothers, "if you guys know what's good for you, you're going to shut up!" I tried to look as intimidating as I possibly could, but even I couldn't help laughing at myself.

"Are we going or not? I don't want to just stand here all day!"

Ash grabbed my hand and started pulling me forward. It's become a habit of his; he unconsciously goes and grabs my hand and starts walking, which makes me follow him. "We're going… I don't see the point of all this though... It's just a house."

"Doode, I'm pretty sure it's not just a house. It's your house! You know how loaded you are!"

I smacked the back of Logan's head. "Don't be rude, or I'll leave your ass here."

I hear gasps from everyone except Ash; I just see that little smirk of his.

"Since when do you even use the work 'ass' in front of the children?” Says Frankie while covering up Kevin's ears.

I ignore the comment and continue walking, this time I'm the one pulling Ash with me. Things have changed in such a short amount of time, it so strange to feel so at ease with him.

And it feels a little weird being brought into his world. We've hung out with Liam, his best friend, before. We've only gone out eating or to amusement parks, but we've never actually step foot in Ash’s house.

The subject never came up, but seeing as its summer and he has to have an end of the semester party. Well at least according to Liam at least, he does, and we had to be invited. And to top things off, the damn party is always hosted in Las Vegas. THE LAS VEGAS, in Nevada!

I didn't think it was such a great idea, but seeing as how the boys weren't taking no for an answer, I had to be dragged along as well. I don't really like the idea of two high school seniors partying with a bunch of college kids, but according to Ash, they'd be fine. I was definitely not looking forward to the summer heat we were in store for in Nevada. 

"Ash, are you sure I have to come along? I mean, as long as Frankie's there to keep an eye on the boys, that's all right with me. I don't want to impose or anything of that sort." I saw his forehead scrunch up and before he even got the chance to answer me, I held up my hand to shut him up. “I know, I know.” I tried mimicking his voice, “you’re not imposing Janessa. It’s going to be fun. Blah, blah, blah.” I grinned up at him while he laughed at my little speech.

“Was that suppose to be me? Because let me tell you little girl,” he raised an eyebrow at me, “you were way off. My voice definitely sounds more manly than that squeaky voice you just used.”

I put my finger on my chin and thought for a while, “does it? Hmmm, I could have sworn I hit it right on the dot.”

“Oh yeah?” he starts poking my side, knowing very well that I’m super ticklish. I try getting away from him but before I could make a run for it, he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. This had become one of his new habits as well. Before I could start pounding on his back to let me down, I heard wolf whistles coming from both Kevin and Logan.

“Ash, flirting with our sister is usually Frankie’s job.” 

“Hey! No one’s flirting here! Ash put me down.” I feel myself being placed on the ground. I look up to see him giving me his signature grin, “and wipe that grin off your face.” His smiled a genuine smile, and I couldn’t help but turn from him. “Let’s go you weirdos, we have a long road ahead of us.”

I still wasn’t sure if this was a good idea or not, but whether I liked it or not, we were Vegas bound.

 [A/N]: I know it's been a long time since I've updated this story but hopefully you guys enjoyed this little chapter! =D 

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