Chapter Fourteen - You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go

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Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

Hola my lovelies! I know I haven't uploaded in forever!!! But I finally was able to get around to it =) so I'm going to stop rambling and let you all get to reading the story =) Hope you all like it =D

The song that Janessa sings is on the side, it's going to be all the way at the end of the chapter so make sure you go listen to it =)

Vote. Comment. If you like the story. Haven't gotten many of those haha

Janessa's POV...

I still couldn't believe that my brothers where getting along with Ash. After that initial awkward introduction, they totally hit it off after they heard how I met Ash. He's been over my house these whole past two weeks, and the crazy thing is that my brothers still don't know that Frankie and Ash don't get along. Frankie has put up a really good front when my brothers are around Ash, I still haven't exactly figured out the reason for that but hey, I'm not about to complain. The more peace there is between those two, the better.

I was even getting use to the idea that Ash would just drop by at anytime and hang out with my brothers. It made me feel like he was part of our small family all along, he even got along with Jo, or more like put up with her. It made me smile that he showed honest interest in my brothers' and their future, even asked them about school and where they were planning to go after graduation.

Just thinking about how in just a little while, my boys will be walking the stage to receive their diplomas and give their valedictorian speech. No Janessa... you can't get all depressed about them leaving. They're growing up and you have to let them do so, I know they're going to do great things. They both managed to get a full ride to UCSB through scholarships they received at their high school, definitely makes them the smarts ones in the family.

I stifled a yawn, dang it's barely 9:30pm and I'm ready to crash. We've been practicing our mash up song for the battle of the bands for the past two weeks. I had forgotten how passionate you have to be when you're practicing with Frankie's band. I love him to death, but if he tells me that we have to rehearse the damn song one more time I'm going to strangle him. I think the song is amazingly put together, and I totally get why he's making me rehearse like crazy, but it doesn't mean that he's not tiring me out. The battle of the bands is next week and I know we need the practice but the boy needs to lay off being such a dictator.

I feel bad for Noah and Adam, who have to put up with his dictatorship. Cole and Troy can totally handle all the crap Frankie throws at them; but Noah and Adam are both too much of a sweetheart to back talk him. That's it, I'm too freaken tired to sing another set!

"Frankie, I'm tired.... Let's call it a day and continue practice tomorrow night..." I bit my lip hoping he'll give in to the tiredness in my voice.

He sighs, "fine, we can't have the lead vocals unable to sing." He laughs, "it's a wrap then." He tells me with a wink.

I roll my eyes. "Yay! Thank the lord... freedom tastes so sweet!" I laugh while side stepping over their equipment to get out of the stuffy room and go get some well deserved ice cold water. Before I can get out the door Troy gets in my way, "Troy...move..." he just stands there with a grin on his face. "seriously move or I'll scream rape and I doubt Frankie will believe you didn't try it" I say with a wider grin on my face.

He moves out of my way and I stick my tongue out at him as I walk out of the room, but not before hearing him say, "there's more uses to that tongue than just sticking it out like that!" I shudder at his comment. Troy would be the one to say some shitt like that, shouldn't have expected any less from the band's man whore.

I get to the kitchen, and pour myself a glass of cold water and gulp it down like there's no tomorrow. "Slow down babe, there's plenty of water for you. No need to chug it all down at once." I turn and see Frankie leaning on the door frame looking at me with a smile.

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