Chapter Twelve - No Way

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  • Dedicated to The People Who've Stuck By Me...

Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

Read authors note!! Plz… oh yeah and enjoy =D

Janessa’s POV…

My mind was blank. I couldn’t think of anything except that Ash was kissing me! He was kissing Me! Wait, what is going on? Why is Ash kissing me?! He’s not supposed to be kissing me, why do I like it and more importantly why does it feel… right?

This is not supposed to be happening, and even though I didn’t want to admit it, it took all my strength to pull away from him. I sighed, damn it Ash! You’re not supposed to have this kind of effect on me, so why is it that I feel empty now that your lips are gone? Ugh… this is not happening. I am not going to fall for this.

“Janessa?” I heard Ash call my name, but I refused to look up at him. I couldn’t, not after that kiss. Stupid kiss! It had me all confused, come on, this is Ash. There is nothing for me to be confused about. “Janessa, look at me.” he pushed my head up with his finger on my chin, “please?” he asked.

Please? Please what? As if he was reading my mind he answered my internal thoughts, “marry me Janessa.” He whispered, and just like that, the spell from our kiss was broken. He leaned in for another kiss but I stopped him, “why?” he asked. I didn’t how to answer, so I just stood there looking at him, like a total dumbass.

Come on Janessa, don’t just stand here looking stupid. You need to get it together, first of all, there’s no way in hell that I’d marry Ash. We’re different people, too different. I mean come on, the guy’s rich… not to mention the fact that he could be on an Abercrombie ad with the way he looks. I took another look at him and it all just hit me, he’s ridiculing me… there’s no other explanation to his question.

I started to walk away. No way am I going to stay there and let him continue this. I had taken only two steps when I felt Ash’s hand grab my arm. It jerked me to a stop, “why aren’t you answering me?” he asked.

I sighed. “Because you’re joking around, and frankly, I don’t like the joke that you’re making,” I said without turning around to look at him.

“What makes you think I’m joking?” he asked.

Is he seriously asking me that? I turned around to face him, “seriously? You’re asking me why I think you’re joking around. Well let’s see, hmmm maybe because you’re asking a total stranger to marry you!” I wasn’t mad anymore, just annoyed. He stood there with that stupid grin of his on his stupid face. “Oh and maybe because you have a stupid grin on your face!”

“Ok first of all, my grin isn’t stupid.” He said with a bigger grin on his face.

Ugh seriously?! Can he not be serious for at least one second! He just proposed marriage to me, a total stranger and he’s too busy teasing me to realize how serious of a topic that is. I glared at him, how is it that even though I’m completely annoyed with him at the moment, I find that stupid grin of his to be completely adorable? Ugh! Come on Janessa, get back on topic. “Ash, be serious for once.” I said through gritted teeth.

He looked at me and smiled, “ok, ok. I’ll be serious, but you have to admit it, my grin isn’t stupid.”

“Ok that’s it, I’ve had it. I’m out of here.” I started to walk away but Ash being Ash, kept a hold of my arm. “Let go.”

He shook his head. “I’m not finished.”

I sighed.

“Janessa, how long have I known you?” I shrugged, and he continued talking, “I’ve known you for a whole month.” I just looked at him, “and that means that you’re not a stranger to me, it means I’ve gotten to know you for a whole month.”

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