Chapter Six - Something in Common

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Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

Yay! one more chapter uploaded :D

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Chapter Six

Ash’s POV…

When I woke up yesterday morning, I never thought I’d see Janessa again. What are the odds that I’d run into the girl who spilled coffee on me, and tonight I’d be picking her up to take her to a party.

My mind kept wondering off to how Janessa reacted when I told her that my shirt was three hundred dollars. She looked kind of pissed off, not with jealousy but maybe hurt? I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but I definitely planned on finding out.

I had gotten her to go to the party; I kind of figured she didn’t have a car since she said she was going to get picked up, so I told her I’d pick her up.

It was kind of a relief that Katie couldn’t come along, she ended up having a last minute date with some guy. Janessa didn’t seem really happy about that, I guess she didn’t want to go alone.

I chuckled when I thought about how she sighed when she realized that she’d have to accept coming to the party with me.

Of course I told Liam that Janessa was coffee girl, and again, he thought it was hilarious. He’s lucky he’s my best bud, or I’d beat him to a pulp just for laughing on me.

Now to make some accommodations, I had a job that had to get done tonight but I wouldn’t be able to do it. I hadn’t really planned on going to a party until I saw Janessa yesterday, so now I had to cover my ass and make some calls.

Liam was out of the question since he’d be meeting up with me at the party. I needed this job to go smoothly so I’d have to find someone to do just that.

I don’t need any unwanted publicity.

I got in my Lancer and turned on the radio. The song ‘Hands on’ was on so I turned up the volume and drove off.

Janessa’s POV…

I loved being able to sleep in.

I woke up at ten in the morning, which was great, but I didn’t feel like getting up just yet. So I just stayed in bed looking up at the ceiling. My finals were over so I could totally relax and prepare for a worry free summer with my boys back at home.

I grinned just at thinking of all the time I’d get to spend with them.

Dad was always working so one of our close family friends took care of them since I was living at school.

This summer is going to be awesome, I’ll be taking care of them and cooking them their favorite foods.

And Jo’s gonna be able to come over and we’ll all hang out. It’s going to be amazing.

My mind wondered over to last night.

After Johanna and I carried my stuff to her car, I told her I had to do a favor for a friend. She didn’t ask for more, which I loved her for, cause I honestly wouldn’t know what to tell her. I hated keeping things from her but it really was no big deal. .

Besides, even if I did tell her she’d only get worried. I swear that girl worries about everything having to do with me, but I guess that’s why she’s my best friend and I love her. She promised to check in on the boys after work, one more reason why I love my bestie.

It ended up being noon when I finally did get up from bed.

Ah! Why did I have to agree to go to the damn party? Oh yeah, I owed that jerk.

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