Chapter Ten - My Boys

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Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

Yay! I was finally able to finish this chappie up! Hopefully you guys like it, to be honest I only like the introduction of a new character cuz I love him lolz but yeah I made this chapter extra long for all yous. But enough rambling... time to read! =]

Chapter Ten

Ash's POV...

I was sitting in my father's office, why? My father wasn't here, he was in New York, has been there on business for a while now.

Ah, but leave it to grandmamma to find new use for his office.

"Ashton Matthew James! Are you listening to me?"

"Of course I am grams." I answered in a smooth voice. "No need to use my entire name."

"Well, I'm just making sure. Knowing you, everything I'm telling you is going in through one ear and going out through the other." She scolded.

"You want me to go on a couple of dates, that's fine."

"I want you to stop your misbehavior and start thinking about your future Ash. These dates are important; it's where you're going to find your wife my child." She smiled.

I coughed a bit, "wife?" she nodded, "grams, I'm not going to look for a wife."

"Oh but you are child. You're almost twenty-two, it's about time you got your act together and started taking responsibility of your future. Besides, like it or not, your father is the one who has ordered your marriage arrangement."

"He did?"

"Of course, you need to get your act together if you're going to take over the company."

I chuckled a bit, "He still thinks I'm going to take over the company?"

"Ash, you're the only one who can take over the company." She sighs.

"There's always Jake! Why can't he take over the company? He's a better fit then me, plus it's something that he would want to do."

She frowned at me. "Ash, Jacob is not... he can't... you know he can't take over the company. Stop being stubborn; your father wants you to go through with the dates..."

"Bu-" she held up her hand to stop me from continuing. She shook her head and looked up at me. I knew she was serious about this, I just couldn't believe she actually wanted me to marry a total stranger.

"Ash, you will meet the first girl next week. I'll be keeping in contact till then, so don't you dare not show up, unless you want me living at your apartment to make sure you go." She grinned at me.

"No ma'am, I'll go." She's the kind of woman who would go live with me to make sure I showed up. I laughed a bit and got up to give her a kiss on the cheek. "See you later grandmamma."

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