Chapter Five - Great Plan

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Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo 

Hey Guy's! Here's the next chapter. Hope you like it and remember to vote and comment. :)  

Chapter Five 

Janessa's POV... 

I don't know what's wrong with Ash, but he's acting, weird.  

First he says he's my freaken friend, which now I have no choice but to accept since Katie's here.  

Then he starts talking about a party that I'm sure he only mentioned to piss me off, then right after he asks if Jo was a girl, and now he looks like he's in deep thought about something? What the hell is wrong with him? 

Katie's phone started ringing, which seem to bring him out of his daze. She answered her phone and started talking while putting some distance between us and her conversation. We just stood there, neither of us talking. Can you say, awkward?  

Ash was the first to talk, "so you really can't go to the party?" this surprised me. Why did he care if I went or not. Maybe he wanted Katie to go? Yeah, that makes more sense.  

I nodded. "Not even if your friend over there begs you to go?" he asked.  

"No." I tried to look as serious as I could, but he was smiling at me a winning smile.  

No Janessa, you can't fall for that smile. I'm not going to that party and that's final. Besides, the boys will be waiting for me to get home with Jo. I hadn't seen them in two weeks cause of finals and I seriously missed them like crazy.  

They were what made up my entire world, it's not like I'm an obsessed older sister or anything, but I had promised mom I'd always take care of them. And since my dad made me dorm here, claiming that it was to give me the full college experience, I only got to see them during the weekends.  

"Don't forget," he said in a sexy voice. That totally snapped me back to reality. Don't forget? Don't forget what? As if he heard my internal question, he answered, "that you owe me?" 

I owe him? What do I owe him for and what exactly does he want? I looked at him carefully; "I owe you?" he just nodded. "What do I owe you for?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.  

"Let's see, you spilt coffee on my shirt," he counted off on his fingers. "You hit me and then insulted me. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you owe me big time." I just stood there and looked at him, shitt. I really did owe him for that.  

I didn't like owing people, and even if he was a jerk, I did mess up his shirt when I spilled coffee on him and then made it more extreme with violence and insults.  

"Fine, what do you want?" I asked. Maybe he wanted me to pay for his shirt, or pay for the drycleaners.  

I just hoped it wasn't too expensive, I don't have much money and unless I really, really and I mean really needed it, I didn't want to ask my dad for any. Money was tight as it is, and we didn't need to be wasting it on things that weren't necessary.  

"Come to the party tomorrow night." Did I just hear him correctly? 

"What?" I asked, bewildered at his sentence.  

"I said to come to the party." I just looked at him. 

"And why would I want to go to the party?"  

"Because that's how you're going to make it up to Janessa" he was smiling. The stupid jerk was smiling! I'm pretty sure I made it clear that I wasn't going to the party.  

"How about I just pay you for your shirt?"  

"Do you really want to pay me three hundred dollars?"  

"What?! Three hundred dollars? For a freaken shirt? You're kidding me right?"  

"Nope" he said while popping the 'p'  

"Why would anyone need a shirt that's three hundred dollars" I said out loud. I mean with that kind of money I could buy the boys a whole new wardrobe!  

He shrugged. "So, I'm taking it that you're going to change your mind about the party right?"  

I sighed. What else could I do? I don't have that kind of money on me and I'm definitely not going to ask my dad for it. I guess I'm going to have to go to the stupid party.  

I nodded a yes to him.  

"I'll pick you guys up then." He took his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me. "Here, put your number in so I can text you when I'm picking you up." I took the phone and put my number in it, then handed it back.  

Katie came back. "Hey, so I guess it's cool if we don't go to the party. Rob just called me to tell me he's getting the night off tomorrow, so we're having a date." she said with a smile.  

I frowned. What the hell! I had just agreed to go to the party to make it up to the jerk and now Katie was backing out.  

"You know Janessa, if keep frowning, your face is going to freeze up like that and you'll never be able to smile." I glared at Ash. Katie just giggled.  

"So I'll see you tomorrow night." He said while starting to walk away.  

I didn't answer him, but Katie sure did. "Bye Ash!" she called out to him. "Wait..." she turned to me. "You're seeing him tomorrow?"  

I nodded and walked away, heading towards the building of thevolunteering department. 

"Omygosh, you're going to the party! Alone! With that hottie!" I just kept walking refusing to pay any attention to her babbling. "It's so a date!" she shouted to me.  

I got to the building and signed out. I started walking to my dorm, but Katie's choice of words didn't leave my head.  

Me going to a party with Ash wasn't a date. I don't even think Ash dates girls like me, not with his looks. He probably dates girls that looked like the freaken Victoria's Secret models.  

It wasn't it date, was it? 

I suddenly felt very self conscious.  

What the hell's wrong with me? I shouldn't care what type of girls he likes. Just like he wouldn't date me, I would never date a guy like him. Arrogant and apparently spoiled, since his stupid shirt was three hundred dollars.  

I pushed away all these thoughts as I called Jo. She answered on the third ring.  

"What's up?" she asked. 

"Ummm... there's a change in plans." I told her. "You think you could come and pick up my stuff and just drop it off at home"  

"Sure love. Are you going to tell me why you're not coming home tonight?"  

"I will, but when you get here ok?"  

"Alright hun, I'll be there later tonight. Maybe like at eight."  

"Thanks love. See you then." 


Now I'd have to come up with an excuse for Johanna. Don't get me wrong, she was my best friend but I know she wouldn't like anything about Ash and the stupid party I have to go to.  

So I decided I just wouldn't tell her. I hated keeping things from her but I'd just go to the party and then be done with anything having to do with Ash.  

Sounds like a great plan.

Vote and comment!  

XoXo Candy!

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