Chapter Nine - You Surprise Me

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Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

First of all! I wanna say thanks to @goaliegirl47 for reading every one of my chapters and commenting in each one =]  ily! So that’s why I’m dedicating this chapter to her <3

BTW, I posted the cover for the movie they watch on the side. I'm also posting up the trailer for the movie so you guys can have an idea of what they're watching. If you guys haven't seen the movie before, you should watch it. It's really an amazing movie, or at least I think it is :) 

Hope you guys like the chappie <3

Chapter Nine

Ash’s POV…

We walked into thecomplex and I lead her up some stairs and stopped in front of my apartment door. I opened it and let her in.

Once inside I lead her to my room.

She looked around a bit, “this is my room,” I told her. I went over to my dresser and grabbed a t-shirt and some sweats for her to change into.

She sat on the bed, and once again started crying. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

I walked towards her and got to eye lever with her, caressing her cheek with my hand. “None of this is your fault.”

“It is my fault…” she somewhat stuttered. “Ash, it’s really hot.”

I looked at her, “I’ll turn on the AC for you.”

I turned to leave, but she caught my arm “thank you.”

I nodded and walked towards the AC and switched it on. I walked over to where I had left the change of clothes and handed them to her. “Here you can change into this, so you can feel more comfortable.”

I walked out of the room. I sighed, e kept people up all night. I hoped I’d be able to stay up with her all night and keep an eye on her. She didn’t look the type of girl who’d go dropping (when you take e) with friends, so I’m pretty sure it’s going to hit her hard.

I sat on the couch, and turned on the TV, figuring she’d walk out of the room when she was done changing.

I heard the door to the room open and Janessa’s footsteps heading towards me. She was in back of the couch and me.

“I don’t feel…” she trailed off a bit, “very well…”

I turned around and there stood Janessa in my t-shirt, and only my t-shirt. I looked at her up and down, I felt myself blush a bit. The t-shirt was long enough to cover her underwear. She looked gorgeous in my clothes.

I gulped, “Umm, Janessa, where are the sweats I gave you?”

She frowned, “it’s too hot for sweats Ash. My body feels… too hot, like, like it’s on fire. Everything seems brighter too, and I wanna dance…” a smile crept to her face, “let’s dance Ash!”

“You want to dance?” she nodded. Oh yeah, e makes people want to move too. Damn, I guess we’re dancing tonight…  

She came over and stood in front of me, need I remind you that I was still sitting down. I looked up at her and blushed a bit, why was a blushing? I’ve seen girls with less on, but somehow, Janessa got me nervous.

I stood up; I couldn’t just sit there and stare at her. She’d think I was a creep. “How about I get you some shorts then?” She nodded and I went back into the room with her following me. I pulled out some basketball shorts and handed them to her. “Here, they’ll be a bit big, but it’s all I got.”

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