Chapter Eleven - A Kiss

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Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

This chapter was actually really hard for me to write since it’s when the actual plot takes place lol but I like it nonetheless =] I hope you like it too and don’t forget to vote and comment if you like!! Oh and I was kinda too lazy to edit so yeah... sorry bout that lol I'll go back and edit later =P

This chapter is dedicated to Id_Builder because she went as far as threatening me in order to get me to post up a new chapter lolz gotta love them fans <3

Janessa’s POV…

Can things get any more awkward? Here I was sitting in the little café that Ash insisted on coming to, with Frank and Ash giving each other death glares. It’s been like this since Frank and I arrived here, so for like the whole hour we’ve been here, they’ve shot daggers at each other. I don’t understand why, I mean why can’t these two boys, I mean grown men, get along?

“So Ash, we’ve been here just making small talk for about an hour now. What’s up? You called me for something, you going to tell me what it is?” I asked. I didn’t want to sound harsh or anything, but I really wanted these two guys to stop with all the tension.

Ash turned to me, “Yeah, I wanted to discuss something with you, but I’d like to keep it between us only,” he said as he glared at Frank who was sitting in the seat right next to me.

“Well I’m sure you can tell her in front of me, what the big mystery is. I mean, how bad can it be right?” Frank answered right back at him with another death glare.

I sighed; yeah I wasn’t going to get these two to get along any time soon. Frank was the type who was easily annoyed and by the looks of it Ash managed to do just that. But I really wanted to know why Ash had asked me out for breakfast, or brunch, or whatever this was. The boy confused me, not just with what meal we were having, but in general.

I honestly thought that I wasn’t going to see him anymore. Not after the party and me hogging his bed the morning after, it was a sweet gesture but the moment I woke up in his bed with his clothes on, I had a moment where I totally freaked. Of course Ash ran into the room to find me freaking out and thought it was funny, that jerk!

Come on Janessa, keep it together! This is not the time to start thinking about that, you need to get this over with and make him spill the reason why you two, or three since Frank’s included, are here. “Well Ash, are you going to tell me?”

He looked at his watch, “don’t you have somewhere to be Frank?”

Frank glared daggers at him, ok this is getting ridiculous! “Would you two just stop acting like a couple of three year olds and start acting your age! Sheesh, parece que estoy en una clase de primaria.” I mumbled the last part to myself. Yeah, I start busting out my Spanish when I get frustrated.

“Ok, ok… I’ll behave, just don’t start getting all crazy on Me.” grinned Frank. And that is why I love this guy! He knows when I’ve had enough and is willing to chill the hell out for me, puts a smile on my face.

“I’d like to see Janessa getting crazy.”

Both Frank and I turn to look at Ash. He’s sitting there with a smile on his face looking straight at me, why would he say that?

Frank clears his throat and now it’s our turn to look at him. He has a scowl on his face, shoot! I think Ash’s comment, didn’t really sit well with Frank. If looks could kill, well let’s just say that Ash would not be here and I’d have to go visit his grave and take him some flowers.

Ok, I’m seriously not getting anywhere with these two boys. Maybe bringing Frank along wasn’t such a great idea, I sigh, “Moving on… are we getting down to business anytime soon?” I looked at Ash.

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