Chapter Fifteen - Too Much

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Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

Been too long... didn't feel like editing so... yeah enjoy...

Chapter Fifteen 

It’s been too long since I’ve been on stage. I can feel the pressure, and I don’t like it. This is the part that I don’t miss, the part where I look onto the audience and I start feeling nauseous. Why had I agreed to this? Oh yeah, because the money would come in handy that’s why.

Ugh! I should have never said yes to this. This is no longer my scene, I gave it up a long time ago for some quietness, and now I’m back here. Back on stage, where there are too many lights and the floor is slippery and it’s way up high. I feel like I’m going to fall off stage.

I turn and see the previous band finish up their performance. I can’t believe we’re one band away from being up there too. Ok Janessa breathe, breathe. You’re fine; you’re going to do great because you have Frankie backing you up. I keep chanting this to myself, over and over again. Hopefully it comes true.

I’m playing with the hem of my shirt when I feel two arms wrap themselves around my waist. I know it’s Frankie and I feel him place his chin on my shoulder, “for a girl who’s about to knock all those people’s socks off, you’re awfully quiet. What’s wrong?” I sigh and shake my head, “come on babe, are you freaking out on me right now?”

I laugh and step out of his embrace to face him, “yes I’m freaking out on you. Have you seen how many people actually showed up for this thing? I though Jo said it was just going to be a local thing, but the crowd out there looks vicious. I don’t know if I can do this Frankie.”

He places his hands on my shoulders, “come on Nessa, you’ve seen bigger crowds. Heck, you’ve performed in front of a larger crowd than this. You’re going to be fine.”

“You don’t know that, the song we’re going to perform is way different from anything I’ve done before. The beat is different and even my voice sounds different.” I shake my head, “I think I’m going to be sick.”

Frankie laughs and shakes his head, “You’re not going to be sick. In fact, you’re going to march up on that stage and win us first place. Come on Nessa, we’re all here. We’re going to do this together okay? So stop being such a girl and toughen up.”

I punch him in the arm, “that was such a sexist comment.” I laugh, “but thanks, I do have to toughen up and just go with the flow.”

He grins, “Great because we’re up next.” He lets go and turns to everyone else, “let’s go guys!”

I try steadying my breathing as we go on stage and set up. I’m fine I know the song. I know all the cues and I know I can hit all the notes. I keep telling myself this as if my life depended on it being true. The song starts and we’re playing it off pretty well, the crowd’s cheering and it sounds like they like what we’re playing.

I don’t know remember seeing anyone else jump on stage when we started playing, maybe I was focusing too hard on getting the lyrics correct.

But next thing I know I’m turning to see Ash get a guy off of Logan. He punches him in the face and that is enough to have all hell let loose.

Next thing I know, Frankie’s there swinging at the guy who had stepped on stage and started hitting Kevin. This was not going to end well I can feel it. Just as I was about to step in to do god knows what, I hear the police sirens. Yeah, this is not going to end well.  

This needs to stop before the cops bust in here and see the boys in a fight. I run towards them to try to get them to stop, next think I know, I’m on the floor being slapped by some girl whose face I can’t see clearly. I try to push her off but she’s literally sitting on my to keep me down, I don’t want to punch her but it feels like it’s the only way she’s going to get off.

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