Chapter Four - A Party?

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Copyright © 2011 Dulce Rebolledo

This one’s kind of short but I thought I’d upload it anyways. Don’t forget to vote and comment :)

Chapter Four

Ash’s POV…

I don’t know how long I had been standing here with Janessa and her talkative friend Katie. That girl was seriously giving me a headache, but Janessa’s facial expressions were kind of worth the pain.

She went along with what I had told Katie about me being her friend, and I was starting to think that it was for argument sake too. That girl could talk.

I was so focused on looking at Janessa that I didn’t realize when Katie was talking to me.

“Wait, what?” I asked confused.

“I said that you could totally take us to a UCLA party!” she was too excited and this only made Janessa look like she was in pain. I do remember her saying she wasn’t a party person just a couple of minutes ago. How these two are friends, I have no idea.

But a party sounds fun, I’d love to see Janessa in party mode. Hmmmm… now how do I get her to go to the party?

Use her friend Katie.

“Actually I was just telling Janessa how I should take her to a party that’s happening tomorrow night, wasn’t I Janessa?” she glared at me and I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. She looked cute, and since she wasn’t wearing her glasses, I was able to see that she scrunches up her nose a bit.

Cute? Did I just say she was cute? And why the hell do I want to take her to a party. Well, I do love messing with her. Yeah, that’s it.

 “You were? Omygosh, I’m so invited right Janessa? This’ll be so much fun! When’s the party? Omygosh what should I wear, we need to go shopping!” Janessa scrunched up her nose again at the part of shopping.

She didn’t like shopping? What girl doesn’t like shopping? 

“Katie! Will you be quiet and just listen to me? I can’t go to a party, Jo’s coming to pick me up later today, and I already called home to say I’d be back tonight. So, I can’t go.” She looked at a disappointed Katie, and quickly added an apology, “sorry.”

Jo? Who’s Jo?

“Can’t you just call your dad and tell him you’ll get home after tomorrow?” she asked her. Janessa shook her head in response. “Why not? Come on, I’ve met your dad, I’m sure he’ll say that it’s fine. Just call him and ask.”

“Katie I really can’t. You know Jo’s coming to help me move out of the dorms today.” Jo? Who the hell is this Jo? Sounds like a guy, her boyfriend maybe?

For some reason this bugged me, why did she need Jo to help her move out. I’m sure I’d be able to help her. Oh yeah, we’re not really friends. We don’t even know each other, and here I am, competing against Jo, whom I don’t even know.  

“Doode, just tell Jo to come too, she won’t mind and it’d be so much fun!” she was back to being excited. Wait, did she just say ‘she’?

“Jo’s a she?” I asked. Shit, that wasn’t supposed to be said out loud.

They both looked at me, Katie with a smile and Janessa with a confused look on her face. Katie’s  the one who answered me, “yeah, it’s short for Joanna. She’s Janessa’s best friend?” she finished with a question towards me.

I looked at Janessa, she just nodded. Relief spread through me. Wait, relief? Why the hell am I relieved that Jo is a ‘she’ and not a ‘he’? What’s wrong with me, and why do I feel disappointed that she can’t go to the party?

A phone started ringing, from the looks of it, it was Katie’s phone. I was internally grateful when she took the call in privacy and I was left standing with Janessa.  There was finally some quietness.

Now to convince Janessa to go to the party…

I know its short guys but I promise to make the next one longer. How do you think Ash’s gonna get Janessa to that party? Haha you’ll find out in the next chapter…

XoXo Candy!

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