Chapter 18

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Cry’s P.O.V

A loud groan filled the space around me and it took me a minute before I realised that I was the cause of it. For a few moments I lay still, trying to recall what had happened. I wasn’t too sure where I was or what I was doing. All I knew is that something had happened. Something bad... something I should remember but when I tried all I was met with was darkness and the faint memory of a horrible noise. One that was now clearly gone.

Rolling onto my side I opened my eyes slowly, afraid of what I might find. But, to my relief all I could see was stone. Stone walls, stone floors, stone ceilings. The room was cold and the wind passed though a small widow on the wall. This window was also the only source of light I had. My eyes focused on  a small door ahead of me. It stood wide open, leading into a corridor.

‘Oh God, I was getting desperate...’ The thought swirled around my head, looping and spinning and turning but providing no answers. What the hell had happened  to me?

I sat up slowly, feeling my back ache from the hard cold ground. How long have I been here? In this... church? Castle? What the...?  A faint memory of strangled screams and cries began to come back to me. Is that what had woken me? No... That had been awhile ago. Something else must have caused me to stir.

 Rubbing the back of my neck I climbed to my feet, gripping onto the wall beside me for support. My legs felt a little unsteady and my head was throbbing slightly. Had I hit it on something? I ran my fingers through my hair but I couldn’t find any blood. There was a tender spot behind me left ear though. Had I been hit with something? As I prodded the sore skin curiously, something caught my eye. Just ahead of me, next to the door was a small wooden cabinet with something on one of the shelves. Forgetting about my headache I went over to inspect what was inside. Pulling the glass case open I reached inside, pulling out a black case with a DVD inside. A small message was written on the front of it in white marker: 

Dear Cry.


What was this?

I quickly pocketed the DVD, knowing I had no choice but to watch it when this simulation was over. Did I even want to watch it? Maybe I should just break it now? Just snap it in half and throw it away. Of course... I couldn’t do that. I was way too curious.  

As I walked over to the door a loud voice came over a speaker, filling the building with static. “Contestants! There are four gems left!” the speaker announced then cut off suddenly. Jesus, how long have I been out? There are only four gems left? I better get looking.  

I made my way quickly through the corridor, pushing open door after door and searching inside every room I came across but I couldn’t find a gem anywhere. I wondered who’s already found the others. What were the chances that it was Pewds?

 The thought of him seemed to remind me of something. That noise I’d heard before...had it been Pewds? Had I thought it was him? Oh God, I don’t know. Why can’t I remember? The mere possibility that it could have been him shot fear straight through me. If that had been him that I’d heard then... then what could have possibly happened to him? I need to find him. I need to make sure he’s alright and confirm that it was all in my imagination. At this moment, his safety was more important to me than finding any stupid gems.

It’s just a game Cry I kept repeating to myself. It helped calm my nerves but it didn’t lessen my worry. With each minute that passed I began to panic more and more. In the end I resorted to shouting out his name, calling him over and over and hoping he heard me. Maybe he’s not even here.... maybe he found a gem.

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