Chapter 41

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Hey Guys! I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to be really busy this upcoming week. It’s the official start of my exams and I’ve got six next week alone. Including biology which I suck at...Urgh. Anyway, I’ll try my best to carry on updating every other day, like I do now but if I don’t manage to find time to write I won’t be able to. I’m sorry. Hopefully I’ll be able to balance everything but I’m just letting you know, just in case I can’t.

I really appreciate all the support and feedback I’ve been getting from you guys, you really make it a joy to write so I’ll just pop in a ‘thank you’ while I’m here ... Thank you!  =)

Oh, almost forgot. There is some mild violence in this chapter, nothing too graphic...hopefully...Mwhahahaha!

PewDie’s P.O.V

I moved awkwardly, forced forward by the large knife against my back.

“Move!” the bandit yelled, causing me to trip and fall against the mirror. Sucking in a deep breath I pushed myself up, catching a glimpse of my reflection and feeling my heart sink.

There was blood running down my face, bits of glass stuck in my cheek and causing my skin to feel as if it were burning. My eyes moved, starting at the reflection of the man behind me and seeing him smile wickedly at me. He was clearly enjoying this.  

“Move...” he whispered, pressing the knife against the base of my back and making me shiver. I really had no choice, so I began walking forward again through the maze of mirrors.

“Aren’t you having fun?” the bandit asked me. Ignoring his question, I pushed forward, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other and not getting brutally stabbed.

 This maze of mirrors made it look like I was surrounded by him, his reflection bouncing off every surface and showing how trapped I actually was. Every now and then I’d see the reflections of the other two bandits, hearing them snigger then disappear somewhere unknown. I glanced up at the flickering light inside the room, wishing it would stop switching off and drowning me in complete darkness.

“What are you going to do with me?” I asked, my voice unusually strong considering the situation I was in.

“Why? Are you scared?” I looked down at the floor, not wanting him to see the fear in my eyes. “It’s only a game Felix...” the bandit sniggered, using my real name, before grabbing my shoulders and shoving me against a mirror.

“Urgh..Get off...”

“That’s what they tell you isn’t it, that this is all a game? That if I were to cut you up into little pieces you’d be fine. You’d go home perfectly safe....”

“Get off me!” I yelled, feeling him pushing the shards of glass along my arms, deeper into my skin. I began wriggling frantically, thrashing at him and, somehow, managing to push him away.

As the bandit stumbled back I saw another appear around the corner, the woman with the long black hair. “Somebody’s got a bit of a temper haven’t they,” she smiled.

Where the fuck is Cry and Ken?!

“Why are you doing this?” I asked them, hoping it would buy me some time. Cry wouldn’t have just left me here. He wouldn’t have just let them take me. I saw him in the back of my mind, saw him standing there, a hammer in hand and watching as the bandit had tugged me into the House of Mirrors.

“Do you know  how boring it is here? Trapped in a computer system? Very. So, when they let us out, we like to have a bit of fun,” she sneered. “You can’t blame us.”

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