29 - Of Hearts That Love (Final Chapter)

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If I initially thought Camila and I were quite different, the opposite of the other, I was wrong. Camila and I are passionate about many things and a lot of times, they coincide. We love the written art. We love solitude and more often than not, solitude with the presence of the other is better, much better. We irrefutably love each other with the entirety of our beings and the depths of ours souls.

Camila and I love our families and we love them to the point of giving up our own individual happiness to please them; something that compels us to think as though we owe such selfless act to them for the years of love they have showered upon us. However, mine chose to be supportive and I didn't have to choose between a love so real or the love that I have known since the day I was born. 

And that is where the disparity began.

I didn't have to hide who I am; I chose to. I hid under an irrational fear of rejection when I only really cared about what my family thought of me. Everyone else was insignificant, another passerby and what they think or what they say will just be another whisper to a deaf audience. Well, that was until I moved back to Miami and I got to know four girls; one of them became my girlfriend. And suddenly, I cared about their opinions, too. Although, they never seemed to mind either.

While my family only sprinkled me with love despite the struggle to comprehend things they could not find reason for, Camila's was a different story. Her family had a reputation to uphold, one that trumped the love for a daughter who needed every ounce of support she could get.

Reputations are dumb. A pathetic label plastered over your head that would dictate how a person acts from then on. One is only worth keeping if the person wasn't concealing an authentic face, tucked away in the dark in fear of false pretense and insignificant murmurs. Otherwise, that's just a pile of horse crap.

A part of me calmed down after I went off on the doctors that are my girlfriend's parents. A significant weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and my burdened heart as the words continuously spilled out of my mouth. It was liberating. I was certain I was unable to render everything on the table but I knew I said enough. It was enough for me to say I have done what I could to fight for Camila and I, for us. 

I fought to stay positive and linger on the fact that after it, Camila and I may be free to express our love for each other. However, to my dismay, that proved to be less likely. Jette did not change that, how could I? I would be lying if I said I never expected an uprising from my visit either.

The worst case scenario would be the entire Cabello clan banning me like I'm the most repulsive, pathetic form of life and Camila would never see the light of day; all thanks to me. That was it. No big deal. Now that is what I call bullshit.

A little over 20 minutes, as I was cruising the searing road with ripples of heat visible before my eyes, my phone went off. My destination was still unknown considering I needed to be alone to sort out the mess that are my thoughts and the labyrinth of emotions lurking in my heart. Heading back to school was definitely a terrible idea while going back to my uncle's place was probably the worst considering I would be getting an earful from my parents much sooner.

Pulling over on the side of the road, I reached for my phone that I strewn haphazardly over at the passenger's seat along with sheets of paper and a couple of notebooks. My heart instantly sank as my mind read each letter that formed the name plastered over the bright screen. It was Camila.

Of course.

Running a hand through my hair, I let out a heavy, frustrated sigh and the explosion in my chest was evidence that I was startled and...afraid of my girlfriend's reaction. Her parents had to have said something to their daughter and I was expecting nothing less of an angered litany from the brown-eyed girl. After all, I sort of disrespected her parents.

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