Vidcon and Smosh 2

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So, she thinks she can get away with this? Well she has another thing coming. I loose the fame I deserve and she automatically gets it? She's stealing MY spotlight. MINE!

Well little does she know that I have a secret weapon that will ruin her and get everyone to turn against her. She will have no one but her precious friends. I can't wait to see her face when she sees everything she worked for go to waste.

She'll cry and whine and have baby tantrums and we'll see who gets the last laugh.

I have a plan. A plan so big and so evil that she won't know what hit her and she won't be showing her face in California ever again.

I just need to get a hold of one guy and convince him to be apart of my plan and I'll rip them apart and ruin their relationship forever! Then he'll be mine.

Get ready Amber, I'm coming to get you.

Vidcon and Smosh 2Where stories live. Discover now