chapter 11

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*crazy intro for Youtube news*

"Hey guys! Welcome back to Youtube news. I'm Jessie and that is Dan we are here to give you the lastest news on youtube." Jessie said with a positive attitude.

"Now today we have the lovely couple with a very strong holding relationship, Anthony Padilla and his lovely girlfriend Amber." Dan continued. Amber and Anthony waved at the camera and smiled.

"Now Amber, what was it like going through this situation and right before Vidcon?" Dan asked.

"Well Dan, it was like hell to be honest. Being blamed for something that wasn't your fault is not a great feeling. Anthony, unlike any other guy, actually wanted proof that I was or was not cheating and when I gave him proof that I wasn't he knew that our relationship was still strong." Amber said.

"Now, do you mind telling us what actually happened?" Jessie asked her. Amber looked at Anthony and he nodded.

"Well Joey and I had met a while back about the beginning of the countdown to Vidcon and we hung out for two days. Then on the second day, during the night, he had kissed me and someone had taken a picture," Amber began her explanation.

"I ended up finding out that Kalel, Anthony's ex, took the picture and sent it to you guys. She tried to get people to think that I was cheating on Anthony so we could break up and she could get back together with him."

"So it was Kalel who framed you. Wow." Jessie said with a laugh afterward.

"Yes, but luckily I was able to save our relationship just by showing the picture to Anthony." Amber had taken out the picture and handed it to Jessie.

"So this picture was found where?" Dan asked.

"In Kalel's house." Amber said. Jessie's and Dan's eyes widened.

"You stole this from..Kalel's house?" Dan questioned. Amber laughed.

"No, why would I do that?" Amber lied, she knew what was up.

"Then how did you get this picture?" Anthony asked her. "Someone gave this to me. Someone wanted to help me out with this." Amber lied again.

"Okay, well there you go folks. Amber did not cheat on Anthony and they are still dating. We will see you next time on Youtube news. I'm Jessie," Jessie started.

"And I'm Dan."

"And we will see you later." The cameras were off and things were finally back to normal.

Vidcon and Smosh 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon