chapter 13

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The very next morning, Amber got up and also woke up Meagan and Ashley who had slept over. Amber was the first on ready, then Meagan and finally Ashley.

Once they were all ready, they hopped into Amber's car and drove off to the Smosh house. At a red light, Amber texted Anthony.

Hey babe! On our way. Make sure you're ready I'm not getting out of the car :P

~Amber <3

Amber had her Smosh music ready and playing on the way to pick up Anthony. Meagan had her headphones in and listening to her own music and Ashley and Amber were singing the Legend of Zelda rap.

Amber reached the house and parked the car. She honked the horn and waited. As she waited for Anthony, Ian and Melanie she switched the playlist and turned it on shuffle.

Ian, Mel and Anthony walked out of the house and headed straight for the car. Amber's eyes lit up and she jumped out of the car and ran towards Ian.

"Ian!" She jumped into his arms and hugged him tight. It was her way of saying "thanks". Ian and Anthony's eyes widen. This wasn't like Amber.

"Amber, you hug Ian and not me?" Anthony asked.

"Relax, it was a way of saying thanks. He helped me with the Kalel situation." Amber said.

"Well, now that you thanked him with a hug, is it my turn?" Anthony held out his arms for a hug. Amber walked up to him and kissed him.

Anthony grabed her waist and rubbed the soft fabric of her dress as they kissed. It was a thing of his. They all hopped into the car and drove to Disney land.

As they drive went on, the playlist played all of Amber's favorite song in her library. "My songs know what you did in the dark" by Fall Out Boy came on and of course "High school" by Nicki Minaj and she had to song a long.

"I let him play with my pussy then lick it off of his fingers, I'm in the zone." Amber repeated. Anthony's eyes widened in surprise. Amber looked at him and winked.

Ian, Ashley and Meagan were knocked out in the back seat, so they never heard that.


An hour later was when they reached Disney land. Ian  automaticaly woke up and he woke up Ashley and Meagan.

They were too excited for this. They all walked up to the main entrance and paid to get in. After going through security, they were finally in. That's when the fun began.

They met up with a couple of the Disney characters and had taken tons of pictures with them. Some were posted to Instagram.

Melanie and Amber had taken pictures with Princess Jasmine, Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse. Ian and Anthony had taken pictures with the toys from Toy Story.

Amber, Meagan and Ashley had taken a picture with all of the Disney fairies. Then, the entire gang possed with Goofy, Donald Duck, and some of the Disney Villans.

Next, they went on the ferris wheel, you know, the really big one that you see on t.v. 

They went on ride after ride after ride and only stopped to get a quick snack and to use the bathroom. Constant walking and constant riding rides made the experience more thrilling.

After a few rides and eating..and more rides, the one ride that was a must-go-on was The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Adventure.

Ian, Melanie were on oneshell and Meagan and Ashley were in on another shell while they let the couple on another. They ride was absolutely amazing!

When the shell was reaching the end, Anthony had whispered something to Amber.

"You know, our relationship is like the little mermaid. I'm the male verison of Ariel and your the female version of the prince. I was trapped under Kalel's (acting as Ursala) spell and you helped me escape," Amber had smiled. But he wasn't done yet.

"And now, we live happily ever after. If it wasn't for you, I would have been Kalel's prisoner forver. Like how Ursala keeps the mermaids when they don't do their job in time. I love you Amber, I really do."

Amber burst into tears and cried in Anthony's arms. He wiped her tears and kissed her just as the shell reached the end where Ariel and Eric had gotten married.

Would you say it was a perfect ending to a perfect day at Disney?

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