chapter 1

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Once again that time had rolled around and this event made summer twice as great. Vidcon!!! Amber caouldn't wait! This year is going to be great, she can tell. Not only is she going with her best friends again, but...she gets to see Anthony again!

You're probably thinking that Anthony and Amber had broken up or something like that, but you're wrong.

The thing is that they had stop seeing each other (visually) because Ian and Anthony were working on their Ultimate Assassin's Creed 3 music video they were going to film in late October. Their friend Jackie was already working on the assassin's costume.

Then they had announced that they were putting a gaming channel up which made both Ian and Anthony extremely busy. Then Playlist came along and he went on vacation. They only way they could stay in contact was Skype and text message. Also through their social media of course.

By the time all of this happened, the new year was already half way gone and both Anthony and Amber haven't kissed in almost a year. But their love is still going strong, don't get me wrong.

Anthony always sends Amber Smosh merchandise once a month through the mail and Amber buys and sends Anthony his favorite video games through the mail. He COULD buy them himself but he never has the time, plus having your girlfriend give games to you as a gift was cute.

Anyways, Vidcon 2016 will make their three year anniversary! Three years has passed by and it feels like they had barely seen each other. By hey, Anthony is working and keeping his fans entertained.

"I can't take this anymore," Amber thought to herself. "It's been three years and I feel like I haven't seen Anthony in a long time! And almost a year and I haven't kissed my boyfriend." She took a deep breath and sighed.

"Fifteen more days until Vidcon. Fifteen more days and I can see my babe." Amber's computer made a ringing sound. That meant that Anthony was calling through Skype. Amber jumped and ran to her laptop. She logged in and connected the call.

"Hey Amber!" Anthony said through the computer screen. "Hi babe! I miss you so much." Anthony smiled and looked away. Ian had walked into the room and screamed "Hi". That scared Anthony, which scared Amber.

"Ian, what the fuck?" Anthony screamed as he turned around. "Hey! Watch your language mister! You know the rules." Amber joked. "Whoops sorry," Anthony smiled. He turned around and screamed at Ian again. "Ian, what the firetruck." Ian laughed and didn't take him serious after that.

"Anyways, so how's it going? Are you lonely?" Anthony made a pouting face. Amber did the same face and said "yes." They both smiled and laughed. Later on, Ashley and Meagan joined in on their conversation.

"Hey love birds!" Meagan sang. Amber smiled and bit her lip. "Hey BBZ! Ready for Vidcon?" Amber asked. "Yes! This is going to be great, especially now that you're dating Anthony." Ashley nodded her head and smiled. She had music blasting through her headphones.

"Ashley," Amber called her "busy" best friend. She tapped the computer screen which had gotten her attention. She turned off the music. "Sorry, were you calling me?" She was clueless. "Yes, now are you excited for Vidcon?" Amber asked.

"Hell yes! It's going to be twice as fun!" It was official, Vidcon 2016 was going to be amazing!

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