chapter 16

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Day two of Vidcon rolled around and Amber was excited because she was being interviewed by Youtube news. Dan wasn't able to make it so Jessie was alone.

Amber's interview is a half hour before Ian and Anthony filmed lunchtime with Smosh so she wouldn't miss her boyfriend stuffing his face with food.

Amber was in the back with her two best friends who were doing her make-up and fixing her hair.

"Don't be nervous Amber, you'll do fine." Ashley tried to calm her nervous best friend.

"I know, but what if the audience boos me? They probably still think that I cheated on Anthony." Amber's heart was beating out her chest.

"Amber, everyone knows what happened. No one will boo you." Meagan said.

"Amber, I need you to step on the yellow X. When I say your name, that's when you'll come out from the curtain." Jessie instructed. She went to sit back in her seat while Amber got into position.

(On  set)

The audience claps as the camera starts rolling.

"Hey guys! Welcome to Youtube news live from Vidcon!" Jessie said loud and proud. The audience cheered of course.

"Now, Dan could not make it today so I will be taking over. Today we have a special guest who has been on the show before. Please welcome...Amber!"

Amber walked out from behind the stage and smiled. The audience looked so happy to see her. She sat down next to Jessie and shook her hand.

"Hello miss Amber!"

"Hello." Amber took a deep breathe.

"Now, baby girl, you have been through a lot lately, dealing with the scam between you, Joey Graceffa and your boyfriend Anthony Padilla. So instead of just talking about the situation, we are also going to be talking about your relationship. So, what's it like?" Jessie started.

"Well Jessie, dating Anthony is the best thing that had ever happened to me. He's so sweet and generous and he's always getting me gifts, I couldn't let anything bad happen to this relationship of ours."

"So even though Joey and Anthony's ex Kalel framed you for cheating on Anthony, he still trusts you?"

"Yes, only because I showed him proof that I wasn't cheating and had Joey and Kalel confess that it was all them."

"So when did you realize that you were being framed?" And yet somehow, they talked about the scam.

"Well Joey had kissed me and the very next day there was a picture of us kissing, I thought to myself "how could someone know it was me and Joey kissing and atuomatically posted it to the Internet the next day?" not to mention, there was no one around when he was with me. Then I saw Kalel here on Youtube news and she said that Anthony should break up with me. That's when I had the idea that I was being framed."

"So when you kind of figured out that you were framed, you didn't assume that it was all Kalel?"

"No, because when I saw that picture, I thought a fan had taken it. Then when Joey said it was Kalel, it hit me that she had to be behind all of this."

"Now, if you didn't get proof that Kalel was framing you, what do you think would have happened to your relationship?"

"Anthony probably would have dumped me and we both would be heart broken. And the thing is, Kalel had broken up with him before Vidcon. Twenty one days to be exact."

"How did you know it was twenty one days before Vidcon three years ago?"

"Because Anthony thinks about it sometimes. He tells me the exact words that she said before she broke up with him. He tells me that no matter how much he think about her, he will always love me more."

The audience awed and smiled.

"Do you mind sharing what she said?"

Amber thought about it. She looked into the audience and saw Anthony way in the back. He shook his head no and Amber looked at Jessie.

"I don't think Anthony would like it if I shared that information with anyone."

"Wow! What a thoughtful girlfriend. A girlfriend, who cares and keeps her boyfriend's secrets and personal info." Jessie had clapped, which made the audience clap.

After Amber's interview, it was time to watch lunchtime with Smosh live.

Ian and Anthony spent about a half hour filming lunchtime with the fans. Amber had brought out their food and drinks, Anthony used the audience to get questions and they also found a fan with a cannon strapped to the crotch. Get it? Cannon penis?

Amber was brought out and she rated the meal "Seven cannon penises out of ten."

"Bye!" Anthony screamed into the camera. Ian pointed the camera to the audience where they all screamed "Bitch!" very loudly. Day two of Vidcon was complete and everything was perfect.

Vidcon and Smosh 2Where stories live. Discover now