chapter 14

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Since there was only one more day till Vidcon, the couples had decided to make posters to give away to the fans on the second day. Early the next morning after Disney land, Amber had bought supplies to make posters and invited Ian, Anthony and Melanie over at noon.

Amber had everything set and still in the bags and hung out on the computer while she waited for them to get here.

Amber was on Twitter talking to her fans and had decided to go on Skype to do a group chat with the fans.

@Amthony_Amber: Hey guys! Having a group chat on Skype! Wanna join? (Ambaa21)

Amber logged into Skype and began the chat. Before starting, she checked her make-up and hair in the bathroom and sat back down at her computer. She began the chat and waited for others to join.

About twenty five other people wanted to chat. Amber was surprised at this. She clicked "Join chat" and saw the twenty five people.

"Hi guys!" She waved and smiled. The fans covered their mouths and smiled. They couldn't believe that they were chatting with Anthony Padilla's girlfriend.

Some waved back and others were still in shock.

"Hi Amber! I can't believe you're on my computer screen!" A girl named Stella said to her. Amber smiled.

"Where's Anthony?" Kris, a famous Smosher on Twitter, asked.

"At the smosh house. He's writing a smosh video with Ian and they and Melaine are coming over later." Just then, Anthony, Ian and Melanie walked into the room and interrupted the chat.

"Aye! An Internet party, whoo!" Ian put his face in front of the screen and made a stupid face. That's when everyone freaked out.

Melanie went in front of the web cam and waved and Anthony bent over and kissed Amber when Melanie moved out of the way.

Amber chatted a bit more with the fans while Ian, Anthony and Melanie did their own thing and sat on the bed after raiding the refrigerator downstairs.

"Okay guys, I have to go. I can't keep them waiting." Amber said.

"Yeah, it's time for Amber to suck my dick!" Anthony joked. Ian and Melanie laughed and so did some on the computer. Amber giggled and shook her head no the fans.

"Bye Amber!" Stella said. She waved good bye and logged off. Little by little people logged off and so did Amber.

"Alright! What are we doing?" Ian asked.

"Definitely NOT sucking dick," Amber joked, her and Melanie laughed. "Anthony and I had decided to make posters to give to the fans. You know, to hold up during the performances."

"Alright! Lets get started." Melanie said. She grabbed the supplies from the bag and laid them out on the bedroom floor.

Ian and Anthony worked on one poster and Amber and Melanie worked on a separate poster.

Amber drew a cute anime version of Ian and Anthony and above the drawing was a caption that said "I F#$%ING love you!"

Ian and Anthony drew crappy stick figures of Amber and Anthony together and Ian and Melanie together. The caption on top said "The perfect couple....JUST F$%K ALREADY!"

Melanie's picture was in caricature form. Amber and Melanie were smiling while Ian and Anthony were making funny faces in back of them.

"Wow Mel, that's really good." Amber complimented. Melanie's poster was definitely better than everyone elses.

For the rest of the day, the group hung out and played in the pool. It was more of a relaxing day than anything else.

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