chapter 17

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Today was the last day of Vidcon. Before Ian and Anthony went back stage to rehearse, they went in the food court surrounded by dozens of Smosh fans.

"Okay! Smoshers, can I have your attention." Amber said with her loud voice. All of the fans grew quite. Some tried to touch Ian and Anthony's pants (They were all standing on top of a table).

"Okay. Anthony, Ian, Melanie and I had made poster for you guys. There are only three we can give away. One is made by me, one is made by Melanie and the last one of made by Ian and Anthony. Now if you can get my question right, you win the poster of your choice."

The fans began to scream.

"Whoa! Now the poster made by Ian and Anthony will be signed if they are willing to sign it. Now, here's the question. Anthony and I had started dating at Vidcon. Where did we meet?"

The fans thought hard. One girl raised her hand and gave her answer. "Uh..where they filmed lunchtime with smosh?"

"Nope. But good guess." Amber said to her. Another fan raised his hand.

"In the food court?" He asked.

"Yes! Which poster would you like?" Amber asked.

"I'll take the one you made, I'll save the poster Ian and Anthony made for another Smosher." He said.

"Aw, that's generous of you." Amber handed him the poster and he handed it back to her.

"Do you mind signing it?"

"Yeah, no problem." Amber signed her poster and took a picture of him holding the poster and sent it to instagram.

After giving away the other two posters, it was time to perform.

 "Please welcome to the stage...Smosh." The announcer guy said. The audience applauded and Ian and Anthony walked out smiling and waving.

"Hi guys!" Ian said. The audience just yelled some more.

 "So, today we are going to do the extreme and do some skateboarding tricks we learned from a hobo in the woods!" Anthony had explained what they were going to do.

The audience screamed. The fans who were given the posters held up their prizes and screamed like the rest of the adoring fans.

Anthony and Ian grabbed their skateboards and started riding. Amber walked on stage and the audience yelled for her.

"Um babe, what do you think you're doing?" She asked him.

"Ian and I were just about to ride our skateboards for the fans."

"Not with out protection! Get over here right now." Amber pretended to pull Anthony by the ear and took him back stage.

(Back stage)

Amber helped Anthony put on some gear. Once she was done, she kissed him lightly and hugged him before he walked back on stage. "They are going to love it!"

(On stage)

The audience laughed and Ian just stood there. "Well. That escalated quickly." Ian began riding the skateboard, he wobbled on it and fell on his knees.

When he got up Anthony walked on stage wearing a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, a pillow on his stomach and back, shin guards, and lots of bubble wrap.

"What the hell happened to you?" Ian asked him.

"Amber said I needed protection. This is what she put on me." Anthony answered.

"Ooh! Bubble wrap." Ian ran up to Anthony and started popping the bubbles on the bubble wrap. You could hear the popping sound from the bubble wrap echoing through the auditorium.

Once Ian was done with popping the bubble wrap, he pushed Anthony to the floor. Anthony struggled to get up and whined when he gave up on trying. Amber from backstage giggled and walked back out.

"What did you do to my best friend?"

"What? He needs to protect the cute face of his and you should too." Amber suggested.

"Please don't make to wear all of that!" Ian begged. He had gotten down on his knees and prayed.

Amber giggled. "Okay, I won't. But what I will do is use this.." Amber bent over and picked up a t-shirt cannon.

"T-SHIRT CANNON!" Amber screamed. The noise level grew and Amber started up the cannon. She "lost control of the cannon" and started shooting at Ian.

"Not at me! The audience!" He yelled. Amber pointed at the audience and shot free shirts at the fans. Ian did the same and threw the left over shirts at the fans in the front row.

Amber helped Anthony up and they, including Ian had their own cannon full of shirts. The entire front row screamed as they claimed their t-shirt.

Once that was all over they said their good byes, walked off the stage and went to a special area where they watched other youtubers perform for their fans.

Vidcon was over but the fun would never end.



Amber sets up her camera and a couple of lights. She checks her apperance in the mirror and sits down. She records herself and edits the footage. Within an hour, her new video for her and Anthony's vlog channel was posted.

"Hey guys! So I know I haven't been posting lately becuase of the situation and helping Anthony and Ian with Vidcon but I will start posting again. So one, if you want to know more about the situation between me, Joey Graceffa, and Anthony, click one or two of the two links down below. Two, I would like to explain the Vidcon performance that Smosh had put on."

"So me making Anthony put on all of that protection was staged. Anthony and I had planned that and put it into the performance. Both Ian and especially Anthony wanted me into their performance. Also the somewhat of a stunt where I shot the t-shirts at Ian was also staged."

"I am telling you guys this because I don't want people thinking that I'm overprotective of Anthony and, you know, being mean to Ian. *laughs* I know that theory may sound stupid but there are people who would think that of me when or if they've ever seen the performance."

"Oh! By the way one of the Smosh fans had recorded the performance and sent it to me as a direct message on twitter. So if you want to watch it, it will be in the description box below. Okay! So I'm gonna go and hopefully things won't get out of hand."

"I'll start posting more videos next week *waves*. See you guys later." That's when the video ended.

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