chapter 7

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Eight more days till Vidcon and things weren't doing too good for Amber. She needed some help. She needed the one person who actually there to help. Ian Hecox.

Amber drove down to the smosh house and knocked on the door. Ian opened the door and she gave him a hug. He let her in and they both sat on the couch to talk.

"Thanks so much Ian. I really need someone's help." Amber started.

"No problem. So tell me what happened." Ian was willing to spend his "audio edit" time to help out his best friend's girlfriend.

"Well a few days ago I met Joey Graceffa. We hung out for two days and when he took me home the second day..he kissed me. Some one had taken a picture and put it on the Internet. Now everyone thinks I'm cheating on Anthony."

"Well technically you did cheat. But it wasn't your fault. Someone with Joey included must of framed you and we have to find out who. Now how is this getting viral?"

"Well someone took a picture of Joey kissing me and sent it to Youtube news. If we could just get the information from Joey." Amber and Ian thought about this hard.

"We need someone so persuasive and sexual to get Joey to spill the beans." Ian purposed.

"Why sexual? We're not trying to get him laid." Amber asked.

"I didn't mean sexual like that. I mean act sexy, you know an easy way to get him to tell the truth." Ian simplified.

Amber snapped her fingers and looked at Ian. "Meagan and Ashley are coming home tomorrow! Meagan is really good at convincing people to get her way!"

"Great! We can get Meagan to persuade Joey and get the info we need." Ian said.

"We'll start tomorrow?" Amber asked him.

Ian smiled. "Tomorrow. And then enjoy Vidcon." Amber hugged Ian in a way of saying thanks.

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