chapter 10

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Amber woke up the next morning and was eager to get this situation over with. She hopped into the shower and got ready for the new day.

Amber texted Ian and had him keep Anthony from leaving the house. Once she sent the message, she climbed into her car, which she had gotten back from the dealership, and headed straight for the Smosh house.

(Smosh house: ten minutes later)

"Amber, I can't go with this any longer. It's not you, it's me...I don't know. The kiss between you and Joey makes me think that you don't want me anymore. I understand. I think we need to brake-"

Just then, there was a knock on the door and a ring of the doorbell. Anthony got up and answered. He opened the door with a smile and suddenly frowned when he saw his girlfriend standing there.

"Anthony, I know you're mad at me but I need to tell you that I didn't mean to kiss Joey. I didn't want to kiss him. He kissed me. I would never want to hurt you like that." Amber explained.

"Amber..I don't think this is working out."

"Don't break up with me please. At least let me prove that I didn't meant to cheat on you." Amber was on the verge of crying. With her cute puppy dog face, Anthony couldn't resist but to give her a chance.

Anthony let her in and she had him sit down. "Okay, what do you want to show me?"

"This," Amber pulled out the picture of the kiss. "See this picture? This wasn't taken by a fan off the streets. This was take by Kalel, your ex girlfriend."


"Yes, she is framing me for cheating. She had Joey hang out with me and kiss me so she could take the picture and send it to Youtube news. She's trying to break us up so she can take you back."

"Amber, she doesn't want me anymore. Why would she break us up?" Anthony wasn't getting the picture.

"Anthony, come on. She's still in love with you. Who else in this entire world would want to break a Youtube couple up? Some people don't even care."

Another knock at the door had interruped the conversation and Anthony answered the door. It was Kalel.

"Hey Anthony!" Kalel let out a huge smile.

"Kalel..what are you doing here?" Anthony asked.

"Oh, you know.. just here to see my boyfriend." Kalel had wrapped her arms around him.

"Your boyfriend? We're still dating!" Amber looked at her.

"What? I thought you two broke up? Come on Anthony, she cheated on you. Why are you still with her?" Kalel was starting an argument.

"Cheating? You're the one who framed me. You made Joey kiss me and you took this picture." Amber grabbed the picture and showed her.

"How did you get that?" Kalel asked.

"I got it from your house, which was hanging on your wall."

"You stole from Kalel's house?" Anthony questioned.

"Yes, only to save our relationship. Anthony you have to believe me."

Anthony was now in the center. He had to choose between Kalel and Amber. Will he choose his ex? Or his girlfriend who he thinks might be cheating on him?

"Kalel...she's my girlfriend. I have to believe her." Anthony choose Amber.

"Fine. Fine, pick her. Pick the girl that you met at Vidcon, I don't care. And here's the truth...yes, I framed Amber for cheating and I made Joey kiss her. Why? So we can be together again. I still love you! She will never love you as much as I do. Never! I know everything about you, about us. And if you don't apprechiate our former love..then I hope you and Amber drop dead." There were tears in Kalel's eyes.

She walked out the door and climbed into her car and drove away. Amber and Anthony smiled and hugged each other.

"Amber, I'm so sorry. I love you so much." Anthony hugged her tight and kissed her forehead. He pressed his lips against hers after months without her.

"Babe, I missed your kisses so much! I'm glad this is over." Amber said.

"Not yet it's not." Anthony said.

"Oh hell no it's not. You will be mine again, Anthony." Kalel's happy face turned into anger and she walked out the house, not forgetting to slam the door shut.

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