chapter 4

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Joey and Amber have been hanging out together all day yesterday and today. It was nice to be friends with another Youtuber besides Ian and Anthony. Joey was an amazing friend and he was constantly flirting. Amber wasn't sure if flirting was a guys thing.

It had reached night time and the two new biffles had finished their ice cream and Joey had decided to take Amber home.

"Thanks so much Joey, you are amazing! I haven't this much fun in so long." Amber thanked Joey for amazing day, as you just read.

"I had a blast too. You are one hell of a girl." Joey smiled and hugged his new best friend. Once he stopped hugging her, he looked into her eyes.

 She looked back into his eyes had an idea of what was going to happen. He leaned in and romantically pressed his lips against hers.

Amber backed away and slapped him across the face. "What the fuck is wrong with you? I have a boyfriend." Amber was close to screaming.

"What? I was curious." Joey said rubbing is pink cheek. His romantic look turned into confusion then to anger.

"You know that I'm dating Anthony. How could you just kiss me like that? I don't think Anthony would appreciate you kissing his girl." Amber crossed her arms and told him to leave.

"Fine, I'll leave. But let me tell you somthing, you will regret this." Joey hopped into his car and drove off quickly.

"Over my dead body." Amber said to herself. She let herself in the house and messaged her friends to chat on Skype.

A few mintues later, all three girls were talking.

"Hey babe! Is there something wrong? You look upset." Meagan started.

"Yes, something is wrong and I feel horrible." Amber sighed and looked away from the computer.

"Amber, tell us what happened." Ashley was ready to hear the story. But she wasn't expecting what she had heard.

"Well yesterday I met Joey Graceffa and we hung out yesterday and today. When he dropped me home...he kissed me." Both girls opened their eyes wide.

"Wait, aren't you dating Anthony Padilla?" Meagan asked.

Amber buried her head in her knees. "Yes. I cheated on my boyfriend and I feel awful."

"Amber, it's not your fault. But you have to tell Anthony. He'll understand." Ashley said, helping her best friend out.

"Fine I'll tell him, tomorrow though. I think I have had enough craziness for one day." Amber rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Fine girl, please tell him. You don't want to keep anything from him." Meagan added with Ashley's advice.

"Fine. Goodnight." Amber turned off her computer and changed into her pajamas. She looked around and began to cry. She turned off her bedroom light and climbed into bed. She cried even more and wiped her wet cheeks with her sheets.

"I'm so sorry Anthony. I love you." Amber whispered to herself.

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