chapter 15

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Amber woke up early the next morning not remembering much. She opened her eyes and looked around without moving. She was in the Smosh house and in Anthony's bed.

Anthony was sound asleep with his arm wrapped around Amber. She tried to move but Anthony wouldn't let her. After a struggle with Anthony's bear hug, Amber managed to escape.

Anthony instantly woke up and looked at her tiredly. "Babe, where are you going? Come back to bed."

"Anthony, today's the first day of Vidcon. You have to get up." Anthony groaned and slowly got out of bed.

Amber and Anthony had gotten ready and waited to wake up Ian. Turns out Ian was already up and dressed, making pancakes in the kitchen.

"Ian! You're using the stove? I thought it was for women only?" Amber joked. Ian smiled and shook his head.

"Not today. Today, it's for men."

"Men? All I see is a wuss at the stove." Anthony said, poking fun. Ian took off the apron and had a play fight with Anthony.

"Come on you guys! Vidcon starts in two hours." Amber said, trying to break up the fake fight.

"Ew, Ian did you just fart?" Anthony asks.

"Yeah, NOW SMELL IT!" Ian screamed.  Anthony got up and brushed himself off before him and Amber ran out of the room in disgust.

Now that Ian had farted Amber and Anthony out of the living room, it gave them time to get ready. Amber got ready in the bathroom and Anthony got ready in his room.

Amber peaked out of the bathroom doorway and noticed that Ian and his fart smell was gone. She assumed that it was okay to walk into the living room.

Amber walked right into the living room and was instantly tackled by Ian. Amber screamed and Anthony ran out of his room with a fake gun that is used in Smosh videos when they need it.

"What the hell Ian?" Anthony yelled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it was you. I didn't know." Ian confessed.

"Okay, make sure you check who it is before you tackle. I'd rather be scared than tackled."Amber said to the  both of them. Ian and Anthony helped Amber get up and brushed her off.


So since today is the first day of Vidcon, there was not much to do. Ian and Anthony was meeting up with the technician to double check the tv for Mari, when she does her Smosh pit weekly video.

They also met some of the Vidcon crew to check their stand for lunchtime with Smosh. Once everything was okay, it was time to have some fun. Ashley and Meagan met up with Amber and they all walked around.

A fifteen year old girl walked up to Ian and asked for a photograph. Turns out that the girl had cancer and wanted to meet her favorite youtubers before she had to go to Chemo.

Ian stood on her left and Anthony stood on her right and smiled at the camera which was taken by Amber. Once the picture was taken, they both signed her shirt and they gave her a kiss on the cheek.

That's when she cried. They gave her a hug and let her tears make wet spots on their shirts, but they didn't care.

Next they had decided to pull a prank on Jovenshire who was there wondering around. Ian and Meagan bought a pie  from the food court and met the rest who were stalking Jovenshire.

Anthony pulled out his phone and send a tweet to the fans:

@smoshanthony: going to pull a prank on Jovenshire. Meet @Amthony_Amber, @smoshian, @megxoo, @singingislife16 and I at the bottom of the (c)

since there was a character limit on tweets, Anthony posted another tweet:

@smoshanthony (c) food court and be as quiet as you can. Jovenshire can't know!

Little by little fans began to crowd around and fans were quiet and excited for the prank. Some took out phones and began to record. That's when Anthony did the same.

"Hey, guys so I have decided to pull a prank on Jovenshire. I'm not alone on this either. I have Ian, my girlfriend Amber, her two friends Meagan and Ashley and some of the fans." Anthony whispered. He pointed the camera to everyone in the order mentioned them in.

"Now we all have to be as quiet as we can becuase Joven is right over there. Now what were are gonna do is sneak up behind him and dump the pie on him that my girlfriend is holding."

"Are you guys ready?" Amber asked the fans. The fans nodded and smiled. Anthony began the prank.

He slowly walked up to Joven and was about to throw the pie in his face when Joven quickly turned around to scare him. Anthony screamed and threw the pie right in his face. The fans screamed with excitement and crowed around Anthony and Jovenshire.

"Alright guys! I hope you enjoyed that! Everyone say bye bitch!" Amber said.

Everyone in the crowd including Joven said "Bye bitch!" and screamed afterwards.

 Today was fun but a bit boring day, but meet the fan with cancer and pulling that wonderful prank made it better

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